[R-sig-ME] glmmadmb mcmc - scale of variance components

Torbjørn Ergon t.h.ergon at ibv.uio.no
Wed Jan 15 11:18:35 CET 2014

Dear list,

Could anyone tell me what is the scale of the variance components 
(tempL.x parameters) in the mcmc output from glmmadmb (version 0.7.7)?

 From previous posts it seems that they are supposed to be log of the 
standard deviation in the random effects distribution, but I don't get 
any negative values (I expect variance <1) so I guess that has changed. 
Are they variances or standard deviations? I presume the 
variances/standard deviations are on the scale of the linear predictor.


Torbjørn Ergon

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