[R-sig-ME] Model comparison with anova and AIC: p=0 and different AIC-values

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Sat Nov 16 19:10:10 CET 2013

On 13-11-16 12:52 PM, Stefan Th. Gries wrote:
> Hi
> BB> I'm not sure about that, it looks like it *might* be a glitch in
> the display.  Do the results of anova(m.01b.reml, m.01a.reml) look
> more sensible?
> The results of the two anova functions are the same (and come with warnings):
>> anova(m.01a.reml, m.01b.reml) # one order
> Data:
> Models:
> m.01b.reml: OVERLAParcsine ~ USED * poly(SAMPLE, 2) + (USED + SAMPLE | NAME)
> m.01a.reml: OVERLAParcsine ~ USED * poly(SAMPLE, 2) + (USED * SAMPLE | NAME)
>            Df     AIC      BIC logLik deviance Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
> m.01b.reml 13 -144.74 -115.139 85.368  -170.74
> m.01a.reml 17  -21.20   17.503 27.600   -55.20     0      4          1
> Warning message:
> In optwrap(optimizer, devfun, x at theta, lower = x at lower) :
>   convergence code 1 from bobyqa: bobyqa -- maximum number of function
> evaluations exceeded
>> anova(m.01b.reml, m.01a.reml) # other order
> Data:
> Models:
> m.01b.reml: OVERLAParcsine ~ USED * poly(SAMPLE, 2) + (USED + SAMPLE | NAME)
> m.01a.reml: OVERLAParcsine ~ USED * poly(SAMPLE, 2) + (USED * SAMPLE | NAME)
>            Df     AIC      BIC logLik deviance Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
> m.01b.reml 13 -144.74 -115.139 85.368  -170.74
> m.01a.reml 17  -21.20   17.503 27.600   -55.20     0      4          1
> Warning message:
> In optwrap(optimizer, devfun, x at theta, lower = x at lower) :
>   convergence code 1 from bobyqa: bobyqa -- maximum number of function
> evaluations exceeded

  The warnings are unrelated to the anova display; they come from the
ML-refitting done by anova.merMod.

> BB> As pointed out by several users (here, here, and here, for
> example), the AICs computed for lmer models in summary and anova are
> different; summary uses the REML specification as specified when
> fitting the model, while anova always uses REML=FALSE
> Ah ok, I did not know that. I do not get any AIC-values though from
> the summary output:
>> summary(m.01a.reml) # one model
> Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
> Formula: OVERLAParcsine ~ USED * poly(SAMPLE, 2) + (USED * SAMPLE | NAME)
> REML criterion at convergence: -13.038
> Random effects:
>  Groups   Name           Variance Std.Dev. Corr
>  NAME     (Intercept)    0.011097 0.10534
>           USEDyes        0.026935 0.16412   0.56
>           SAMPLE         0.000392 0.01980   0.80  0.17
>           USEDyes:SAMPLE 0.005344 0.07310  -0.80 -0.17 -1.00
>  Residual                0.003081 0.05551
> Number of obs: 72, groups: NAME, 12
> Fixed effects:
>                          Estimate Std. Error t value
> (Intercept)               0.11711    1.54844   0.076
> USEDyes                   0.33570    5.61965   0.060
> poly(SAMPLE, 2)1          0.41849    8.24332   0.051
> poly(SAMPLE, 2)2         -0.03079    0.07850  -0.392
> USEDyes:poly(SAMPLE, 2)1  0.55875   30.43556   0.018
> USEDyes:poly(SAMPLE, 2)2 -0.25532    0.11102  -2.300
> Correlation of Fixed Effects:
>                  (Intr) USEDys p(SAMPLE,2)1 p(SAMPLE,2)2 USED:(SAMPLE,2)1
> USEDyes          -1.000
> p(SAMPLE,2)1      1.000 -1.000
> p(SAMPLE,2)2      0.000  0.000  0.000
> USED:(SAMPLE,2)1 -1.000  1.000 -1.000        0.000
> USED:(SAMPLE,2)2  0.000  0.000  0.000       -0.707        0.000
>> summary(m.01b.reml) # other model
> Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
> Formula: OVERLAParcsine ~ USED * poly(SAMPLE, 2) + (USED + SAMPLE | NAME)
> REML criterion at convergence: -146.4052
> Random effects:
>  Groups   Name        Variance  Std.Dev.  Corr
>  NAME     (Intercept) 1.500e-28 1.225e-14
>           USEDyes     8.008e-02 2.830e-01 0.42
>           SAMPLE      3.362e-09 5.798e-05 0.42 1.00
>  Residual             2.777e-03 5.270e-02
> Number of obs: 72, groups: NAME, 12
> Fixed effects:
>                           Estimate Std. Error t value
> (Intercept)               0.117109   0.009852  11.887
> USEDyes                   0.335704   0.082629   4.063
> poly(SAMPLE, 2)1          0.418488   0.078339   5.342
> poly(SAMPLE, 2)2         -0.030790   0.074527  -0.413
> USEDyes:poly(SAMPLE, 2)1  0.558745   0.105396   5.301
> USEDyes:poly(SAMPLE, 2)2 -0.255317   0.105396  -2.422
> Correlation of Fixed Effects:
>                  (Intr) USEDys p(SAMPLE,2)1 p(SAMPLE,2)2 USED:(SAMPLE,2)1
> USEDyes           0.353
> p(SAMPLE,2)1      0.140  0.305
> p(SAMPLE,2)2      0.000  0.000  0.000
> USED:(SAMPLE,2)1  0.000  0.000 -0.673        0.000
> USED:(SAMPLE,2)2  0.000  0.000  0.000       -0.707        0.000

  Yes, but [I think] AIC() gives you the 'AIC' based on the REML
criterion: -2*(REML criterion)+2*(# parameters) rather than (we can
argue about what it really means)

fm1 <- lmer(Reaction~Days+(Days|Subject),sleepstudy,REML=TRUE)
fm2 <- update(fm1,.~Days+(1|Subject),REML=TRUE)
fm3 <- update(fm1,REML=FALSE)
fm4 <- update(fm2,REML=FALSE)

    df      AIC
fm1  6 1755.628
fm2  4 1794.465
fm3  6 1763.939
fm4  4 1802.079

I confirm that anova(fm1,fm2); anova(fm2,fm1); anova(fm3,fm4); and
anova(fm4,fm3) all give results that differ only in their labels (all
the numerical values are the same).

> BB> (This behavior is slightly overzealous since users might
> conceivably be using anova to compare models with different random
> effects [although this also subject to boundary effects as described
> elsewhere in this document …])
> Yes, that's what I was trying to do, following some advice in the
> literature (I think the Zuur et al. books)
> BB> Note that the AIC differences are almost identical (140)
> True, the anova one is 123, the separate AIC ones are 140.
> BB>  Well, anova() gave you a likelihood ratio test (based on a ML
> refitting, which is not necessarily what you want: see
> https://github.com/lme4/lme4/issues/141 ).
> Ok, I get that now, thanks.
> BB> I would say that the bottom line here is that since the more
> complex model m.01b.reml is about 60 log-likelihood units (or "REML
> criterion units") better, it doesn't really matter what test you do --
> the more complex model is overwhelmingly better.
> Ok, just to clarify: m.01b.reml is the more complex one:

  Yes, that's what I said ("the more complex model m.01b.reml is ... 60
log-likelihood units ... better")

> m.01a.reml <- lmer(OVERLAParcsine ~ USED*poly(SAMPLE, 2) +
> m.01b.reml <- lmer(OVERLAParcsine ~ USED*poly(SAMPLE, 2) +
> but so you're saying I should go with m.01a.reml because ... do you
> get to the 60 LL units because of

  No, I'm saying you should go with m.01b.reml, because it fits much
better.  The REML criterion (analogous to twice the negative
log-likelihood [or deviance], essentially the "negative restricted
maximum likelihood") is smaller.  The log-likelihood is larger.
> - the REML criterion at convergence: (-13.038 for m.01a.reml and
> -146.4052 for m.01b.reml), or
> - because of the logLik diff in the anova output?
> Thanks so much,
> --
> Stefan Th. Gries
> -----------------------------------------------
> University of California, Santa Barbara
> http://www.linguistics.ucsb.edu/faculty/stgries
> -----------------------------------------------

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