[R-sig-ME] Random intercepts and/or slopes

Gabriel Baud-Bovy baud-bovy.gabriel at hsr.it
Thu Oct 10 13:47:56 CEST 2013

On 10/10/2013 12:39 PM, Maria Helena Mourino Silva Nunes wrote:
> Dear all,
> I’m new to mixed models, and I’m analysing a patients’ data set whose response variable is adherence/no adherence to medication (binary variable, 0/1). For each patient there are different types of independent variables: sociodemographic; clinical; blood pressure control; etc. Additionally, patients are grouped (nested) within doctors. Due to the sampling design, I only have one replicate for each patient.
> I want to study the impact of the independent variables on the adherence/no adherence to medication.  I’m not interested in studying the patients by themselves.
> My question is: should I consider the simplest model     response  ~  Indep. Variables +  (1|Doctor),
> or  should I explicitly introduce the nested structure of patient within doctor,   response ~ Indep. Variables + (Patient|Doctor) ?

Hi Helena,

Here a some syntax for your random effects assuming that all IV are
between-subject factors

  response  ~  Indep. Variables +   (1|Patient)

response ~ Indep. Variables + (1|Doctor) + (1|Patient)

The last one allow to define random effects for differences
across doctors as well as patients (with lmer, patients need to be uniquely

If you have repeated-measure (within-subject factors), then
things become more complex as the effect of some factor might
also be different across patients.  With lme, one advise in this
case is to include a maximal random structures (Barr et al., 2012, 2013)

(all within subject factor |Patient)

it one is interested only in fixed effects. However, other expert
recommend introducing random effects only for factors with a sufficient
large number of levels because variance estimates might not be
reliable. In any case, the situation with binomial model might be

As you will see, there is not (yet) a generally agreed methodology
with mixed-effect models, the way you have it with old-fashioned ANOVA.
It takes a deep understanding of the methods and your data to
decide exactly what to do. There are now quite a bit of books and
papers on GLMM that might help to learn more on this topic.



> Thanks in advanced!
> Best regards,
> Helena.
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Gabriel Baud-Bovy               tel.: (+39) 02 2643 4839 (office)
UHSR University                       (+39) 02 2643 3429 (laboratory)
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