[R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm predictions with fixed effects Splines

Jarrod Hadfield j.hadfield at ed.ac.uk
Tue Mar 26 18:38:58 CET 2013

Hi Antonio,

The penalised bit of a penalised spline is achieved by having the  
spline coefficients as random effects rather than fixed.



Quoting "Antonio P. Ramos" <ramos.grad.student at gmail.com> on Tue, 26  
Mar 2013 10:06:57 -0700:

> Hi Jarrod,
> Thanks for your reply.
> I think I need a spline as a fixed effect only - time doesn't vary by
> CASEID and all observations are subjects for the same time trends. I would
> be nice to have a cubic spline though. Thanks
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 2:38 AM, Jarrod Hadfield <j.hadfield at ed.ac.uk>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Check out the examples in ?spl: you haven't fitted a penalised spline. You
>> probably want something like:
>> glm.MC.2 <- MCMCglmm(mortality.under.2 ~ maternal_age_c +
>> I(maternal_age_c^2)  + birth_year + residence + maternal_educ +
>> sex + wealth, nitt=20000, thin=10, burnin=1000,random=
>> ~idv(spl(birdth_year))+CASEID,  
>> prior=prior.2,data=rwanda2,**family='categorical',
>> pr=TRUE)
>> Note that I have saved the random effects (pr=TRUE) because the first k
>> random effects are the spline coefficients. You will need to associate
>> these with the relevant columns of Z (rather than X) to get predictions.
>> Remember to include the fixed birth_year effect too.
>> Cheers,
>> Jarrod
>> Quoting "Antonio P. Ramos" <ramos.grad.student at gmail.com> on Mon, 25 Mar
>> 2013 19:57:51 -0700:
>>  I think I get what is going on a little better now. Does it make sense?
>>> # getting the predictions
>>> # where the nots are?
>>> k <- 10
>>> x <- quantile(rwanda2$birth_year, 1:k/(k + 1), na.rm = T)
>>> y <- unique(rwanda2$birth_year)
>>> # creating new data for the poor
>>> pred.data <- data.frame(maternal_age_c=rep(**0,28),wealth=rep("Lowest
>>> quintile",28),
>>>                         sex=rep("Female",28),**residence=rep("Rural",28),
>>>                         "spl(birth_year)1"=ifelse(y<**1976,1,0),
>>>                         "spl(birth_year)2"=ifelse(y>**1975&y<1979,1,0),
>>>                         "spl(birth_year)3"=ifelse(y>**1978&y<1981,1,0),
>>>                         "spl(birth_year)4"=ifelse(y>**1980&y<1983,1,0),
>>>                         "spl(birth_year)5"=ifelse(y>**1982&y<1985,1,0),
>>>                         "spl(birth_year)6"=ifelse(y>=**1984&y<1988,1,0),
>>>                         "spl(birth_year)7"=ifelse(y>=**1987&y<=1990,1,0),
>>>                         "spl(birth_year)8"=ifelse(y>**1989&y<1993,1,0),
>>>                         "spl(birth_year)9"=ifelse(y>**1993&y<1996,1,0),
>>>                         "spl(birth_year)10"=ifelse(y>**1995,1,0),
>>>                         birth_order=rep(1,28),
>>>                         maternal_educ=rep("No education",28))
>>> pred.data$wealth <- factor(pred.data$wealth,
>>>                            levels=c("Lowest quintile", "Second
>>> quintile","Middle quintile","Fourth quintile","Highest quintile"))
>>> pred.data$sex <- factor(pred.data$sex, levels=c("Male","Female"))
>>> pred.data$residence <- factor(pred.data$residence,**
>>> levels=c("Rural","Urban"))
>>> pred.data$maternal_educ <- factor(pred.data$maternal_**educ,
>>>                                   levels=c("No education", "Primary",
>>> "Secondary","Higher"))
>>> # design matrix
>>> X <- model.matrix(~ maternal_age_c + I(maternal_age_c^2) + residence +
>>>                      + maternal_educ +
>>>                     birth_order +  wealth +
>>>                     spl.birth_year.1  +
>>>                     spl.birth_year.2  +
>>>                     spl.birth_year.3  +
>>>                     spl.birth_year.4  +
>>>                     spl.birth_year.5  +
>>>                     spl.birth_year.6  +
>>>                     spl.birth_year.7  +
>>>                     spl.birth_year.8  +
>>>                     spl.birth_year.9  +
>>>                     spl.birth_year.10, data=pred.data)
>>> V <- rowSums(glm.MC.2$VCV) # marginalizing over random effects
>>> beta <- glm.MC.2$Sol # fixed effects
>>> c2 <- (16*sqrt(3)/(15*pi))^2 # alterative parametrization for the logistic
>>> distribution
>>> pred<- t(plogis(t(beta%*%t(X)/sqrt(1+**c2*V))))
>>> pred <- as.data.frame(pred)
>>> colnames(pred) <- 1970:1997 # predictions for the poor for every year
>>> colSums(pred)
>>> pred.poor <- pred
>>> On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 5:14 PM, Antonio P. Ramos <
>>> ramos.grad.student at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  maybe the model's summary would also help:
>>>> > summary(glm.MC.2)
>>>>  Iterations = 1001:19991
>>>>  Thinning interval  = 10
>>>>  Sample size  = 1900
>>>>  DIC: 23202.78
>>>>  G-structure:  ~CASEID
>>>>        post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
>>>> CASEID     1.008   0.8508    1.139    73.88
>>>>  R-structure:  ~units
>>>>       post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
>>>> units         1        1        1        0
>>>>  Location effects: mortality.under.2 ~ maternal_age_c +
>>>> I(maternal_age_c^2) + spl(birth_year) + residence + maternal_educ + sex +
>>>> wealth
>>>>                            post.mean   l-95% CI   u-95% CI eff.samp
>>>> pMCMC
>>>> (Intercept)               -2.2844882 -4.0378822 -0.5243228    270.8
>>>> 0.00947 **
>>>> maternal_age_c            -0.0278874 -0.0396679 -0.0169772    409.5 <
>>>> 5e-04 ***
>>>> I(maternal_age_c^2)        0.0067512  0.0040534  0.0096366    369.2 <
>>>> 5e-04 ***
>>>> spl(birth_year)1          -0.0069841 -0.0172375  0.0024631    387.8
>>>> 0.15789
>>>> spl(birth_year)2           0.0257588  0.0003497  0.0511228    425.9
>>>> 0.05474 .
>>>> spl(birth_year)3          -0.0251424 -0.0871379  0.0381827    376.8
>>>> 0.41368
>>>> spl(birth_year)4          -0.0451816 -0.1068456  0.0188489    315.1
>>>> 0.17895
>>>> spl(birth_year)5          -0.0506369 -0.1256510  0.0256118    325.8
>>>> 0.20737
>>>> spl(birth_year)6           0.0571108 -0.0450529  0.1564138    229.7
>>>> 0.25368
>>>> spl(birth_year)7          -0.0993668 -0.1830175 -0.0135886    275.6
>>>> 0.01474 *
>>>> spl(birth_year)8          -0.0812237 -0.1417047 -0.0322527    273.6
>>>> 0.00316 **
>>>> spl(birth_year)9           0.0626604  0.0448635  0.0797381    300.8 <
>>>> 5e-04 ***
>>>> spl(birth_year)10         -0.0148629 -0.0234434 -0.0054245    387.5
>>>> 0.00105 **
>>>> residenceUrban            -0.2141484 -0.3716601 -0.0511390    280.1
>>>> 0.00947 **
>>>> maternal_educNo education  1.0334332  0.1228220  2.0524150    207.8
>>>> 0.03263 *
>>>> maternal_educPrimary       0.7954471 -0.1554284  1.7616937    206.3
>>>> 0.10316
>>>> maternal_educSecondary    -0.0083354 -0.9622503  1.0182426    195.0
>>>> 0.98000
>>>> sexMale                    0.1893753  0.1072094  0.2710264    275.2 <
>>>> 5e-04 ***
>>>> wealthSecond quintile      0.1773074  0.0444755  0.3283123    398.4
>>>> 0.01368 *
>>>> wealthMiddle quintile     -0.0667648 -0.2060366  0.0676636    376.9
>>>> 0.34316
>>>> wealthFourth quintile      0.0485797 -0.0913787  0.1942995    416.2
>>>> 0.47579
>>>> wealthHighest quintile    -0.1339028 -0.3017483  0.0077947    338.2
>>>> 0.08000 .
>>>> ---
>>>> Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
>>>> On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 5:12 PM, Antonio P. Ramos <
>>>> ramos.grad.student at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>  Hi all,
>>>>> I am trying to get some predictions from a MCMCglmm model but it is not
>>>>> working. I guess I don't really following what the model is doing with
>>>>> tje
>>>>> spl() command. Here is an example of the issue.
>>>>> Thanks a bunch
>>>>> # inve.wishart(V=1,nu=4) is equivalent to inv-gamma(shape=2,scale=2) for
>>>>> mothers random effects
>>>>> prior.2 <- list(R = list(V = 1, fix = 1), G = list(G1 = list(V = 1,nu =
>>>>> 4)))
>>>>> glm.MC.2 <- MCMCglmm(mortality.under.2 ~ maternal_age_c +
>>>>> I(maternal_age_c^2)  +
>>>>>                        spl(birth_year) + residence + maternal_educ +
>>>>>                        sex + wealth,
>>>>>                      nitt=20000, thin=10, burnin=1000,
>>>>>                      random= ~CASEID, prior=prior.2,data=rwanda2,
>>>>> family='categorical')
>>>>> > # creating new data for the poor
>>>>> > pred.data <- data.frame(maternal_age_c=rep(**
>>>>> 18,25),wealth=rep("Lowest
>>>>> quintile",25),
>>>>> +                         sex=rep("Female",25),**
>>>>> residence=rep("Rural",25),
>>>>> +                         "spl(birth_year)1"=1971:1995,
>>>>> +                         "spl(birth_year)2"=1971:1995,
>>>>> +                         "spl(birth_year)3"=1971:1995,
>>>>> +                         "spl(birth_year)4"=1971:1995,
>>>>> +                         "spl(birth_year)5"=1971:1995,
>>>>> +                         "spl(birth_year)6"=1971:1995,
>>>>> +                         "spl(birth_year)7"=1971:1995,
>>>>> +                         "spl(birth_year)8"=1971:1995,
>>>>> +                         "spl(birth_year)9"=1971:1995,
>>>>> +                         "spl(birth_year)10"=1971:1995,
>>>>> +                         birth_order=rep(1,25),
>>>>> +                         maternal_educ=rep("No education",25))
>>>>> >
>>>>> > pred.data$wealth <- factor(pred.data$wealth,
>>>>> +                            levels=c("Lowest quintile", "Second
>>>>> quintile","Middle quintile","Fourth quintile","Highest quintile"))
>>>>> > pred.data$sex <- factor(pred.data$sex, levels=c("Male","Female"))
>>>>> > pred.data$residence <-
>>>>> factor(pred.data$residence,**levels=c("Rural","Urban"))
>>>>> > # pred.data$birth_year <- factor(pred.data$birth_year,
>>>>> levels=1970:1997)
>>>>> > pred.data$maternal_educ <- factor(pred.data$maternal_**educ,
>>>>> +                                   levels=c("No education", "Primary",
>>>>> "Secondary","Higher"))
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > # design matrix
>>>>> > X <- model.matrix(~ maternal_age_c + I(maternal_age_c^2) + residence +
>>>>> +                       + maternal_educ +
>>>>> +                       birth_order +  wealth +
>>>>> +                       spl.birth_year.1  +
>>>>> +                       spl.birth_year.2  +
>>>>> +                       spl.birth_year.3  +
>>>>> +                       spl.birth_year.4  +
>>>>> +                       spl.birth_year.5  +
>>>>> +                       spl.birth_year.6  +
>>>>> +                       spl.birth_year.7  +
>>>>> +                       spl.birth_year.8  +
>>>>> +                       spl.birth_year.9  +
>>>>> +                       spl.birth_year.10, data=pred.data)
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > V <- rowSums(glm.MC.2$VCV) # marginalizing over random effects
>>>>> > beta <- glm.MC.2$Sol # fixed effects
>>>>> > c2 <- (16*sqrt(3)/(15*pi))^2 # alterative parametrization for the
>>>>> logistic distribution
>>>>> > pred<- t(plogis(t(beta%*%t(X)/sqrt(1+**c2*V))))
>>>>> > pred <- as.data.frame(pred)
>>>>> > colnames(pred) <- 1971:1995 # predictions for the poor for every year
>>>>> > colSums(pred)
>>>>>     1971     1972     1973     1974     1975     1976     1977     1978
>>>>>   1979     1980     1981     1982     1983
>>>>> 1677.094 1677.093 1677.093 1677.093 1677.093 1677.093 1677.093 1677.093
>>>>> 1677.093 1677.093 1677.093 1677.093 1677.093
>>>>>     1984     1985     1986     1987     1988     1989     1990     1991
>>>>>   1992     1993     1994     1995
>>>>> 1677.092 1677.092 1677.092 1677.092 1677.092 1677.092 1677.092 1677.092
>>>>> 1677.092 1677.092 1677.092 1677.092
>>>>> >
>>>         [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
>> --
>> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
>> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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