[R-sig-ME] glmmADMB troubles

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 05:05:16 CET 2013

Ross Boylan <ross at ...> writes:

> It seems it's one thing after another.  Ben suggested glmmADMB for 
> poisson--actually for truncated poisson, but for now I'm just trying to 
> get anything going.  Some of my count variables have 1, not 0 as a 
> minimum, and some have a maximum too, e.g., all values >10 are reported 
> as 10.

  If you have enough data to make it worthwhile, you might try the
'ordinal' package ...

> I was able to install it from r-forge, with a warning that it was build 
> for 2.15.3.  But ...
> > r <- glmmadmb(sexActs~(1|id), sexpartner)
> Error in II[, ii] = II[, ii] + REmat$codes[[i]] :
>    number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
> In addition: Warning messages:
> 1: In glmmadmb(sexActs ~ (1 | id), sexpartner) :
>    NAs removed in constructing fixed-effect model frame: you should probably
remove them manually, e.g.
> with na.omit()
> 2: In II[, ii] + REmat$codes[[i]] :
>    longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
> Figuring that its missing value handling might be off, I tried removing the
missing values:
> > r <- glmmadmb(sexActs~(1|id), sexpartner[!is.na(sexpartner$sexActs),])
> Error in system(cmd, intern = intern, wait = wait | intern,
show.output.on.console = wait,  :
>    'C:/Program' not found
> > traceback()
> 4: system(cmd, intern = intern, wait = wait | intern, show.output.on.console =
>         ...)
> 3: shell(cmd, invisible = TRUE, intern = !verbose)
> 2: run_bin(platform, bin_loc, file_name, cmdoptions, run, rm_binary =
>         debug = debug, verbose = verbose)
> 1: glmmadmb(sexActs ~ (1 | id), sexpartner[!is.na(sexpartner$sexActs),
>         ])

   Hmmm.  Can you give

* the results of sessionInfo()
* the results of trying your command with debug=TRUE ?
* the results of glmmADMB:::get_bin_loc() ?

 Ben Bolker


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