[R-sig-ME] lme4, error inserting nested structure of fixed factors in glmer

PALACIO BLASCO, SARA s.palacio at ipe.csic.es
Wed Feb 27 14:49:01 CET 2013

Dear Emmanuel,

Thanks a lot for your response. I, however, do not think the full  
model (i.e. "*" instead of "+") is the issue here, since I tried with  
the simplified model before and it rendered the same error message as  
the full factorial one...

Thanks in any case for your help!

Best regards,


> Dear Sara,
> « -	binary response variable: “Dead” = bud survival, either dead (1)
> « or alive (0)
> « -	Fixed factor: “fTreatment”, numerical factor with 9 different levels
> « -	Fixed factor: “fBud_type”, categorical factor with 3 levels
> « -	Fixed factor “Species” (categorical) nested within “fBud_type”,
> « with 9 levels
> « -	Random factor “fRep”, numerical, nested within “Species”, with 24
> « levels (i.e. coded sequentially to avoid confusion).
> «
> « The model I want to run is:
> «
> « M_bud_type1=glmer(Dead~fTreatment* fBud_type * fBud_type|Species +
> « (1|fRep), family=binomial, data=species)
> Are you sure you want this model and not
> M_bud_type1=glmer(Dead~fTreatment + fBud_type + fBud_type|Species +
> 		  (1|fRep), family=binomial, data=species)
> I guess you're problem comes from the a*b which stands for a+b+a:b,
> then coupling with more than two variables and interaction/nesting
> terms makes a not very clear formula.
> Try specifying only main effects and suited interactions, using either
> of the three syntaxes, and it my work better.
> Hope this helps,
> Best regards
> PS: this issue exists in all kinds of models, including
> lm/glm/lmer/lme...
> --
>                                 Emmanuel CURIS
>                                 emmanuel.curis at parisdescartes.fr
> Page WWW: http://emmanuel.curis.online.fr/index.html

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