[R-sig-ME] number of cases required to satisfy the assumptions of mixed models

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Wed Dec 26 05:29:56 CET 2012

Martí Casals <mcasals at ...> writes:

> Hello,
> I have a question. I worked with a study about performance on basketball.
> The final data employed for the analysis were composed of 2187 cases (27
> players * 81 games), having followed a filtering process. I dealt with a
> balanced study design with repeated measurements given that each player was
> observed the same number of games, and therefore the player was considered
> as a random effect. We carried out two mixed models, a Linear Mixed Model
> (LMM) through the nlme library (Pinheiro) and a Poisson mixed model with
> lme4 package (Bates) .
> *The reviewer  has one query about the number of cases required to satisfy
> the assumptions of the modelling technique.*

  I tried an example:


 You might want to redo this with input parameters that are more
realistic for your specific situation ...

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