[R-sig-ME] Repost in plain text: Discrepancy in residuals in equivalent glmer (lme4) and glmmadmb models

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 23:18:27 CET 2012

Adam Smith <raptorbio at ...> writes:

> Sorry all, here's a plain text version that is hopefully more user-friendly...
> Original post follows:

> Can someone please clarify for me why lme4 (glmer) and glmmADMB
> would generate essentially identical estimate of fixed and random
> effects in a Poisson log-normal (individual-level random effect for
> overdispersion) but give (often dramatically) different residual
> values?  It must have something to do with the way fitted values are
> estimated or SDs are calculated for each observation, yes? 
Looking into this.  It looks like there might be a bug in
the glmmADMB calculation, but I'm not sure yet.  In the example
I tried the fitted values as well as the residuals differed,
so it's not just a problem with the SDs.

  Ben Bolker

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