[R-sig-ME] Cochran's Q and I-squared for random-effects meta-analysis of proportions with lmer

Elias, S.G. S.Elias at umcutrecht.nl
Thu Oct 4 15:49:42 CEST 2012

Dear list,

I'm performing a binomial distribution random-effects meta-analysis of proportions using lmer(cbind(positives,negatives)~1|Study, data=d,family=binomial) [following Hamza TH et al J Clin Epidemiol 2008;61:41-51]. 

To go with the pooled estimate (after back transformation of the pooled logit(p)) and the 95% CIs I want to report measures of between-study heterogeneity. 

I know how to obtain the Tau^2 (variance of the random effects), but that is on the logit scale and thus not very well understandable for the average medical reader (the intended public of the paper). 

So I am struggling with obtaining Cochran's Q and following that the inconsistency index (I^2). 

Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated.


Sjoerd Elias


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