[R-sig-ME] Specifying 'correct' degrees of freedom for within-subject factor in *nlme/lme* repeated measures ANOVA?

John Maindonald john.maindonald at anu.edu.au
Sat Jul 28 13:08:56 CEST 2012

Hello -
The proper degrees of freedom will depend on what error you specify.
I'd expect there is a between Channels component of error that affects
the slope estimates.  In that case your error term maybe should be

One can of course check whether the estimate of the relevant component 
of variance is greater than 0, and if so whether it is of any consequence.

In such analyses, it is commonly assumed that the variation between
slopes can be entirely explained by variation about a line whose clop
is constant (here, across ChannelUnits).  Experience with previous
such data may establish whether this is a reasonable assumption.
A cautious analyst will, if the data allow it, want to check this assumption.

The degrees of freedom are of consequence only when you want to
move from F-statistics or t-statistics or other such statistics to p-values.
They are part of a mechanism that is used to get approximate p-values.
The p-values are, in general, not well-defined -- assumptions are made
along the lines of the assumptions that underpin the Behrens-Fisher
test.  If the model is balanced they can in general, most pundits will I
think argue,  be used as a reasonable guide.  If the model is badly 
unbalanced, they should be treated with caution.

John Maindonald             email: john.maindonald at anu.edu.au
phone : +61 2 (6125)3473    fax  : +61 2(6125)5549
Centre for Mathematics & Its Applications, Room 1194,
John Dedman Mathematical Sciences Building (Building 27)
Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200.

On 28/07/2012, at 8:16 AM, Ben Bolker wrote:

> Stephanie Avery-Gomm <stephanie.averygomm at ...> writes:
>> Hello,
>> I am using *nlme* to do a mixed effect repeated measures ANCOVA, with two
>> additional fixed factors  but a limited sample size. *I am seeking
>> clarification on how to/if I should adjust the inflated degrees of freedom
>> for a within-subject factor as a way of dealing with the temporal
>> pseudoreplication.  *I am not using lmer so I am not sure the FAQ or Bates
>> discussion re: adjusting df in lme4/lmer applies (
>> https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2006-May/094765.html).*
>> *More information: At 3 Sites on a river I measured fish Population in
>> approximately 9 stream Channel Units. Each Channel Unit was classified as a
>> Habitat, with three levels (Glide, Riffle, Pool). I sampled each Channel
>> Unit 3 times over the course of the summer, each time taking a Discharge
>> Measurement (thus the exact Discharge differs a little from Site to Site,
>> and so is a continuous variable). I want to know if fish Population in
>> stream habitats (Glides, Riffles, Pools) changes as discharge decreases
>> over the summer, if there an interaction and if fish Populations differ
>> between habitats or between sites?
>> The model I have settled on looks like this:
>> Pop.Model<-lme(Pop~Site+Habitat*Discharge, random=~1|ChannelUnit,
>> correlation=corCAR1(),data=mydata)
>> Inclusion of the three repeated measurements of Population in each Channel
>> Unit results in temporal pseudoreplication *and the degrees of freedom for
>> the within-subjects factor (Discharge) is 42, but I only have 26 Channel
>> Units, so this is obviously inflated (should be 21). I read in The R Book
>> (Crawley: *(Pg. 644*)
>> that I can fix this by specifying  the degrees of freedom. But how?*
>> *
>> Although I’ve read a ton online, including Bates info re: SAS PROC Mixed
>> versus R lmer and degrees of freedom I find that I am still quite confused.
>> If anyone can offer specific advice on how I can adjust my degrees of
>> freedom for the within-subjects factor in nlme or explain in accessible
>> terms why I don’t need to, I would be very grateful. *
>> Just in case I haven't provided enough information, here is my data and r
>> code.
>> .csv file:
>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/2ijgq74di3hmo8i/R.Help.csv
>> .R file:
>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/puj5maifxc2rfcg/R%20Help.R
>> .doc with code & diagram:
>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/29dtofc62t957co/R%20Help.doc
>> Sincerely,
>> Stephanie Avery-Gomm
>> MSc. Candidate, Zoology Department
>> University of British Columbia
>  Are you sure that 42 (which is a propitious number in any case, see
> _The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy_) is *not* the right number of
> df for Discharge? Continuous predictors often behave differently from 
> discrete ones: in particular, see the discussion at http://tinyurl.com/ntygq3
> (referenced from http://glmm.wikidot.com/faq) about how lme computes
> degrees of freedom: "a term is _outer_ to a grouping factor if its
> value does not change within levels of the grouping factor", thus if
> Discharge takes on different values within each Channel Unit then it is
> estimated at the innermost level.
>  Crawley doesn't actually say (AFAICT) that you ought to be manually
> adjusting the df provided by lme: "You use all of the data in the
> model, and you specify its structure appropriately so that the
> hypotheses are tested with the correct degrees of freedom (10 in this
> case, not 48)".  For the case he is examining, he is using an
> interaction between the continuous predictor (week) and the grouping
> factor (plant), *and* the weeks measured are the same for each plant.
> I won't say that lme *always* gets the df 'right', but I don't think
> I've ever seen a case where there was an unambiguous right answer
> (i.e. the situation matched a classical experimental design so that
> the problem could also be expressed as a standard method-of-moments
> ANOVA with a well defined denominator df) *and* lme got it wrong.
>  I would suggest: (a) trying out a variety of examples (cross {discrete
> predictors, continuous predictors with identical values within each group,
> continuous with different values in each group} with {random intercept
> only, random intercept + random slope}); (b) looking in an alternative
> source such as Ellison and Gotelli's _Primer of Ecological Statistics_
> to try to convince yourself about the appropriate df.
> Two more issues:
> * if the qualitative and quantitative structure of your data
> allow it, you should consider adding interactions of Discharge
> with random (Channel Unit) and fixed effects (Site) 
> in your model (see Schielzeth and Forstmeier 2009).
> * Another minor can of worms is that one might consider adjusting
> the 'denominator df' for the autoregressive structure -- if the
> points are not all independent, then the effective df will be
> slightly smaller.  In principle one can do this with Satterthwaite
> or Kenward-Roger approximations, but I don't know if anyone's
> implemented them for lme models (pbkrtest implements them for
> lme4 models, but those don't allow temporal autocorrelation
> structures.  Have you looked at the ACF() output to see if
> the temporal correlation structure is really necessary for
> your data?)  However, I would be tempted to sweep this
> under the rug (as Crawley seems to; he doesn't mention df
> again when discussing autocorrelation structures).
> (I will also point out that is is **not** kosher in my opinion to
> post a public link to the entirety of a copyrighted (and non-open)
> work; it would be fair use, I think, to post a copy of a relevant
> page or two, or to point to it on Google Books
> <http://books.google.com/books?id=8D4HVx0apZQC&pg=PA644>.)
> @article{schielzeth_conclusions_2009,
> 	title = {Conclusions beyond support: overconfident estimates in mixed models},
> 	volume = {20},
> 	number = {2},
> 	journal = {Behavioral Ecology},
> 	author = {Schielzeth, Holger and Forstmeier, Wolfgang},
> 	month = mar,
> 	year = {2009},
> 	issn = {1045-2249, 1465-7279},
> 	shorttitle = {Conclusions beyond support},
> 	url = {http://beheco.oxfordjournals.org/content/20/2/416},
> 	doi = {10.1093/beheco/arn145},
> 	pages = {416--420},
> }
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