[R-sig-ME] lmer/glmer standard error interpretation and visualization

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 00:07:26 CET 2012

Ben Bolker <bbolker at ...> writes:

> Colin Wahl <biowahl at ...> writes:
>   This is not an lmer issue, this is a general issue with generalized
> linear models, or any other model that works on a transformed scale
> and for which one wants to backtransform the parameters.

 PS  this is why epidemiologists spend so much time learning about
odds ratios and log-odds -- you can back-transform from logit effects
to odds-ratio effects, but once you get there there's just not any
perfect way to transform back to a probability scale in a way that
is completely general ... http://lesswrong.com/lw/8lr/logodds_or_logits/

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