[R-sig-ME] Need some help with glmer output

Hans Ekbrand hans at sociologi.cjb.net
Mon Feb 20 02:01:09 CET 2012

On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 09:13:04AM -0800, lopez toledo wrote:
> Dears lme4 users:
> I'm doing a repeated measurement analysis, which seems pretty obvious to 
> me, but I'm getting some strange results, which I do not 
> understand. Hope you can help me!! Thanks in advance!
> I'm evaluating the effects of Defoliation Treatments (4 levels), Gender 
> (Male/Female) and Time on several responses (Growth , leaf production, 
> inflorescence production, etc) of a palm dioecious species 
> I have about 550 palms total which have been measured 3 times. My main question is whether the effects depends on the intensity of defoliation, palm gender and how this has changed through time. I am 
> considering the effects of repeated measurement as Palm/Time
> I am exploring with the model below, which include as fixed factors DT*G*Time and as 
> random factor Palm/Time to consider the effect of repeated measurements. 
> In this case, I'm using glmer, 'cos I've have counts as response variables (number of leaves, number of inflorescences, etc).
> Model1<-glmer(Total leaves ~ DT * G * Time + (1 | palm/Time), family=poisson)
> I've got two questions:
> 1) Am 
> I considering the random effects correctly or not? as when I run the model there is the following message
> "Number of levels of a grouping factor for the random effects
> is *equal* to n, the number of observations"

Is it not enough to define one simple random effect for palm? Wouldn't
that take care of the problem of repeated measurements of the same


Model1<-glmer(Total leaves ~ DT * G * Time + (1 | palm), family=poisson)

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