[R-sig-ME] zero-truncated mixed effects logistic regression?

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 03:17:45 CET 2012

Martin Schmettow <schmettow at ...> writes:

> Thank you for your ideas. 
> You seem to suggest that I use a C-R model to estimate the number of missing
> values per category and then impute these values?
> Sounds feasible, although I was in hope for a more straight forward way to
> deal with zero trunc. binomial data like seemingly is available for Poisson
> data.
> Since zero trunc. Poisson  is available in glmmADMB, would it also be an
> option to treat binomial data as Poisson by using a per class offset?
> CU, Martin.

  Seems reasonable.  I would try it on some simulations ...

  glmmADMB has (in principle) zero-inflated binomial (although I've
never tested it ...), and truncated binomial could be implemented
without a great deal of trouble ...

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