[R-sig-ME] BLUPs from MCMCglmm

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 15:51:36 CET 2012

Eryn McFarlane <mcfarlas at ...> writes:

> Dear list,
> I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to estimate BLUPs
>  from an MCMCglmm model? I would just like to eyeball
> the individuals with high and low BLUPs for my trait to 
> see if there are other relationships that I can see
> (i.e. year effects, affect of territory). Does this make sense to try to do
from these models?

  I *think* you can just look at the $Liab component of the fit,
which as stated is the posterior distribution of the latent variables --
you need to set pl=TRUE.

  This should get you started (although HPDinterval() isn't
behaving sensibly in this case -- not quite sure why not)

     model1<-MCMCglmm(PO~1, random=~FSfamily, data=PlodiaPO, 
    verbose=FALSE, pl=TRUE)
mm <- data.frame(m=colMeans(model1$Liab),HPDinterval(model1$Liab))

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