[R-sig-ME] extracting values from lmer

espesser robert.espesser at lpl-aix.fr
Wed Jan 4 13:44:26 CET 2012

  Hi Kevin,
Maybe there is a better way (a function) , but you can use:

yourmodel at deviance["sigmaREML"]

it returns the residual std. dev.   :  0.13636
(in case of the default setting for lmer()  , i.e. REML=TRUE)
More generally,  " str(yourmodel)   "   gives useful informations  .

Le 04/01/2012 12:56, Kevin Spring a écrit :
> I am trying to extract the residual variance from the lmer function in the
> package lme4.
> For example, I have the following response from lmer:
> Random effects:
>>   Groups                  Name            Variance    Std.Dev.
>>   Cell.line:DNA.extract (Intercept)  0.130554    0.36132
>>   Residual                                    *0.018595*     0.13636
> I want to extract 0.018595 from this output.
> VarCorr allows me to extract the variance 0.130554, but I want to be able
> to extract the Residual variance and I don't see a function that does this
> in lme4.  Any ideas?
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Robert Espesser
CNRS UMR 6057 - Université de Provence
5 Avenue Pasteur

Tel: +33 (0)413 55 36 26

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