[R-sig-ME] Poisson GLMM: where is the deviance?
Luciano La Sala
lucianolasala at yahoo.com.ar
Sat Mar 17 20:25:50 CET 2012
Dear R experts:
I need to fit the following GLMM with Poisson distribution: glmer(yobs~year
+ (year|stake), data=mibase,family=poisson)
Where "stake" (plots where the number of birds is measured) is as random
effect, and "yobs" is the abundance of birds. I need an estimation of slope
an intercept for the random term.
I specified my model as follows:
glmer(yobs~year + (year|stake), data=mibase,family=poisson)
and I get the following (it does not calculate the deviance)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation
Formula: yobs ~ year + (year | stake)
Data: mibase
AIC BIC logLik deviance
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Corr
stake (Intercept) 1.4165e-01 0.37636766
year 3.5469e-08 0.00018833 0.000
Number of obs: 1186, groups: stake, 63
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 3.213e+01 6.445e+08 0 1
year -1.952e-01 3.225e+05 0 1
- Ignored:
Correlation of Fixed Effects:
year -1.000
Mensajes de aviso perdidos
In mer_finalize(ans) : singular convergence (7)
Q. What does this error mean and how can I solve it?
By the way, if I run the same model but only estimating the intercept of
random effects as
glmer(yobs~year + (1|stake), data=mibase,family=poisson) it seems to work
I look forward for your response and thanks in advance.
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