[R-sig-ME] model specification: fixed or random factor ?
robert.espesser at lpl-aix.fr
robert.espesser at lpl-aix.fr
Tue Dec 6 23:24:35 CET 2011
Dear all,
In a linguistic experiment, 2 participants involved in a dialog
are incitated to use 16 specific items. An item is a pair {name+ adjective}.
There are 2 short words (SW1,SW2) , 2 long words (LW1,lW2) and 4
adjectives(A1,A4), leading to a total of 16 combinations or items:
{SW1,SW2}:{A1,..A4} and {LW1,LW2}:{A1,..A4} .
The # of occurrences of each item in a dialog are uncontrolled.
We can suppose there are 8 pairs of participants. Various measurements
are done on these items.
For simplicity, I suppose there is one predictor of interest (predic).
The length word could be added to the model, but I am not interested
in with the individual effect of word and adjective. I think about the
3 following models:
M1) word(4 levels factor) and adjective(4 levels factor) are
considered as fixed factors (since they have not enough levels to be
taken as random ) :
~ predic + word + adjective
~ predic + word * adjective
From a linguistic point of view, each item (word+adjective) can be
considered as a whole.
So the corresponding 16 levels factor could be added to the model as
random factor, and length word as a fixed factor, giving something like:
~ predictor + length + (1|word:adjective)
Is this model "correct" ,despite of the way the items are build ?
On the contrary, are M1 or M2 models more valid models ?
Many thanks for any comments or suggestions.
R. Espesser
Robert Espesser
CNRS UMR 6057 - Université de Provence
5 Avenue Pasteur
Tel: +33 (0)413 55 36 26
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