[R-sig-ME] Providing data for a course project

Douglas Bates bates at stat.wisc.edu
Wed Apr 6 19:55:21 CEST 2011

I am currently teaching an advanced graduate course on mixed-effects
models, anova and all that.  Students in the course are required to
complete a data analysis project, which typically would use linear or
generalized linear mixed-effects models.  If you have data that you
would like to have analyzed with such methods please consider
contacting the class at the email address
<stat850-1-s11 at lists.wisc.edu> with a short description of your data
and what you hope to learn from an analysis of it.

Requests for data confidentiality will be honored.

I place a heavy emphasis on data plotting and on plotting the results
of model fits and I have a "no ugly graphics" policy for this project.
 That is, the students know that if they want to get a good grade they
better consider the graphics carefully.  I'll be grading the project
reports in mid-May and can provide some feedback, although probably
not an intensive analysis of each data set.

I also welcome suggestions of data sets with some background
description that you know of on the web.  I have pointed students to
some of the data available at the Center for Multilevel Modeling, the
U.C. Irvine machine learning data archive, and the UCLA archive of
data sets from textbooks.  If you know of other sources we would
appreciate learning of them.

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