[R-sig-ME] between-blocks variation in intercepts estimated as zero by lmer in RB design???

Douglas Bates bates at stat.wisc.edu
Tue Feb 8 17:08:09 CET 2011

I referred to "the second plot" but did not include it.  This is the
file that I meant to include.

On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 10:06 AM, Douglas Bates <bates at stat.wisc.edu> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 5:44 PM, Duncan Mackay
> <duncan.mackay at flinders.edu.au> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am having difficulty understanding why lmer is estimating the variation among intercepts of random groups (blocks) as zero in the following case:-
>> I have samples of the no. of exotic species taken from two positions in each of 38 sites. (see data frame "rb.data"  below). The data are coded as follows:-
>>> str(rb.data)
>> 'data.frame':   76 obs. of  3 variables:
>>  $ site    : Factor w/ 38 levels "AMD1","BR1","DA1-1",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
>>  $ exotic  : num  2 8 9 12 9 5 9 11 6 6 ...
>>  $ position: Factor w/ 2 levels "above","below": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
>> I have run a standard random-blocks analysis on these data as follows:-
>>> summary(lmer(exotic ~ position + (1|site), data=rb.data))
>> Linear mixed model fit by REML
>> Formula: exotic ~ position + (1 | site)
>>   Data: rb.data
>>   AIC   BIC logLik deviance REMLdev
>>  519.8 529.1 -255.9    516.1   511.8
>> Random effects:
>>  Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
>>  site     (Intercept)  0.000   0.0000
>>  Residual             53.526   7.3162
>> Number of obs: 76, groups: site, 38
>> Fixed effects:
>>              Estimate Std. Error t value
>> (Intercept)     12.526      1.187  10.554
>> positionbelow   -4.053      1.678  -2.415
>> Correlation of Fixed Effects:
>>            (Intr)
>> positionblw -0.707
>> So why, oh why, does lmer estimate the variance among the site intercepts as zero??? A plot of the data obtained by:-
>>> with(rb.data, interaction.plot(position,site,exotic))
>> suggests to me that the intercepts are actually quite variable, however a look at the fitted coefficients shows that lmer has fit the same intercept for each site.
> I would plot the data using lattice as
>  dotplot(reorder(site, exotic) ~ sqrt(exotic), rb.data,
> group=position, type=c("p","a"), auto.key=list(columns=2,lines=TRUE))
> assuming that exotic is actually a count and thus a square root
> transformation would help to stabilize the variance.  From the
> enclosed plot you can see that in some ways the average is being
> driven by the above counts.  The below counts are more-or-less
> constant whereas the above counts go from very low to very high.  So
> the above counts are what are driving the variation.
> The model that you are fitting only considers the mean count for each
> location as a random effect so it is modeling the data as in the
> second plot where there is not a great deal of variability in the
> averages compared to the residual variability, which leads to an
> estimate of zero for the between-site variance.
> If you fit this as a generalized linear mixed model with the Poisson
> family you do get a non-zero variance estimate for the site term but
> even this model is not getting at the pattern in the data.
>> (gm1 <- glmer(exotic ~ position + (1|site), rb.data, poisson))
> Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood ['merMod']
>  Family: poisson
> Formula: exotic ~ position + (1 | site)
>   Data: rb.data
>      AIC       BIC    logLik  deviance
>  302.9469  309.9391 -148.4734  296.9469
> Random effects:
>  Groups Name        Variance Std.Dev.
>  site   (Intercept) 0.09967  0.3157
> Number of obs: 76, groups: site, 38
> Fixed effects:
>              Estimate Std. Error z value
> (Intercept)    2.47856    0.06922   35.81
> positionbelow -0.39087    0.07234   -5.40
> Correlation of Fixed Effects:
>            (Intr)
> positionblw -0.422
> The problem with even this fit is that the pattern in the data is not
> that of an additive model.
>>> coef(rb.exotic.lme)
>> $site
>>        (Intercept) positionbelow
>> AMD1       12.52632     -4.052632
>> BR1        12.52632     -4.052632
>> DA1-1      12.52632     -4.052632
>> DA1-2      12.52632     -4.052632
>> DA1-3      12.52632     -4.052632
>>        .......
>> .....................................   I think I'm missing something pretty basic here!!
>> Many thanks for any help,
>> Regards,
>> Duncan
>>> rb.data
>>      site exotic position
>> 1     AMD1             2    below
>> 2      BR1             8    below
>> 3    DA1-1             9    below
>> 4    DA1-2            12    below
>> 5    DA1-3             9    below
>> 6    DA1-4             5    below
>> 7    DA1-5             9    below
>> 8     MAY1            11    below
>> 9      PH1             6    below
>> 10     PH2             6    below
>> 11     RA1             9    below
>> 12     RA2            11    below
>> 13     RB1            14    below
>> 14     RB2            20    below
>> 15     RB3            13    below
>> 16   RB4-1             9    below
>> 17   RB6-1             9    below
>> 18   RB6-2             5    below
>> 19   RB7-2             5    below
>> 20   RB8-1            10    below
>> 21   RLCL1             9    below
>> 22   RLCL2            12    below
>> 23    ROW1            12    below
>> 24    ROW2             9    below
>> 25     RS1             5    below
>> 26 RS2/RS3             5    below
>> 27     SC1             5    below
>> 28   SC2-2             5    below
>> 29   SC5-1            10    below
>> 30     SC7             8    below
>> 31     SC8             5    below
>> 32   TH5-1            12    below
>> 33   TH5-2            11    below
>> 34     WI5             1    below
>> 35   WI6-1             6    below
>> 36   WI6-2            13    below
>> 37   WR2-1             6    below
>> 38   WR2-2             6    below
>> 39    AMD1            27    above
>> 40     BR1            16    above
>> 41   DA1-1             4    above
>> 42   DA1-2             4    above
>> 43   DA1-3             5    above
>> 44   DA1-4             5    above
>> 45   DA1-5             6    above
>> 46    MAY1            13    above
>> 47     PH1            22    above
>> 48     PH2            19    above
>> 49     RA1            16    above
>> 50     RA2            13    above
>> 51     RB1             7    above
>> 52     RB2             5    above
>> 53     RB3             4    above
>> 54   RB4-1             3    above
>> 55   RB6-1             1    above
>> 56   RB6-2             4    above
>> 57   RB7-2            13    above
>> 58   RB8-1             8    above
>> 59   RLCL1             6    above
>> 60   RLCL2            15    above
>> 61    ROW1             6    above
>> 62    ROW2             7    above
>> 63     RS1            27    above
>> 64 RS2/RS3            29    above
>> 65     SC1            15    above
>> 66   SC2-2            18    above
>> 67   SC5-1             7    above
>> 68     SC7            25    above
>> 69     SC8            33    above
>> 70   TH5-1             4    above
>> 71   TH5-2             3    above
>> 72     WI5            20    above
>> 73   WI6-1             2    above
>> 74   WI6-2             3    above
>> 75   WR2-1            30    above
>> 76   WR2-2            31    above
>> ______________________________________________________________________________
>> Dr. Duncan Mackay
>> School of Biological Sciences
>> Flinders University
>> GPO Box 2100
>> Adelaide
>> S.A.  5001
>> Phone    61-8-82012627
>> FAX          61-8-82013015
>> http://www.flinders.edu.au/science_engineering/biology/our-school/staff-postgrads/academic-staff/mackay-duncan.cfm
>> ______________________________________________________________________________
>> Dr. Duncan Mackay
>> School of Biological Sciences
>> Flinders University
>> GPO Box 2100
>> Adelaide
>> S.A.  5001
>> Phone    61-8-82012627
>> FAX          61-8-82013015
>> http://www.flinders.edu.au/science_engineering/biology/our-school/staff-postgrads/academic-staff/mackay-duncan.cfm
>> _______________________________________________
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>> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-mixed-models
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