[R-sig-ME] between-blocks variation in intercepts estimated as zero by lmer in RB design???

Douglas Bates bates at stat.wisc.edu
Tue Feb 8 17:06:20 CET 2011

On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 5:44 PM, Duncan Mackay
<duncan.mackay at flinders.edu.au> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am having difficulty understanding why lmer is estimating the variation among intercepts of random groups (blocks) as zero in the following case:-
> I have samples of the no. of exotic species taken from two positions in each of 38 sites. (see data frame "rb.data"  below). The data are coded as follows:-
>> str(rb.data)
> 'data.frame':   76 obs. of  3 variables:
>  $ site    : Factor w/ 38 levels "AMD1","BR1","DA1-1",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
>  $ exotic  : num  2 8 9 12 9 5 9 11 6 6 ...
>  $ position: Factor w/ 2 levels "above","below": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
> I have run a standard random-blocks analysis on these data as follows:-
>> summary(lmer(exotic ~ position + (1|site), data=rb.data))
> Linear mixed model fit by REML
> Formula: exotic ~ position + (1 | site)
>   Data: rb.data
>   AIC   BIC logLik deviance REMLdev
>  519.8 529.1 -255.9    516.1   511.8
> Random effects:
>  Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
>  site     (Intercept)  0.000   0.0000
>  Residual             53.526   7.3162
> Number of obs: 76, groups: site, 38
> Fixed effects:
>              Estimate Std. Error t value
> (Intercept)     12.526      1.187  10.554
> positionbelow   -4.053      1.678  -2.415
> Correlation of Fixed Effects:
>            (Intr)
> positionblw -0.707
> So why, oh why, does lmer estimate the variance among the site intercepts as zero??? A plot of the data obtained by:-
>> with(rb.data, interaction.plot(position,site,exotic))
> suggests to me that the intercepts are actually quite variable, however a look at the fitted coefficients shows that lmer has fit the same intercept for each site.

I would plot the data using lattice as

 dotplot(reorder(site, exotic) ~ sqrt(exotic), rb.data,
group=position, type=c("p","a"), auto.key=list(columns=2,lines=TRUE))

assuming that exotic is actually a count and thus a square root
transformation would help to stabilize the variance.  From the
enclosed plot you can see that in some ways the average is being
driven by the above counts.  The below counts are more-or-less
constant whereas the above counts go from very low to very high.  So
the above counts are what are driving the variation.

The model that you are fitting only considers the mean count for each
location as a random effect so it is modeling the data as in the
second plot where there is not a great deal of variability in the
averages compared to the residual variability, which leads to an
estimate of zero for the between-site variance.

If you fit this as a generalized linear mixed model with the Poisson
family you do get a non-zero variance estimate for the site term but
even this model is not getting at the pattern in the data.

> (gm1 <- glmer(exotic ~ position + (1|site), rb.data, poisson))
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood ['merMod']
 Family: poisson
Formula: exotic ~ position + (1 | site)
   Data: rb.data
      AIC       BIC    logLik  deviance
 302.9469  309.9391 -148.4734  296.9469

Random effects:
 Groups Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 site   (Intercept) 0.09967  0.3157
Number of obs: 76, groups: site, 38

Fixed effects:
              Estimate Std. Error z value
(Intercept)    2.47856    0.06922   35.81
positionbelow -0.39087    0.07234   -5.40

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
positionblw -0.422

The problem with even this fit is that the pattern in the data is not
that of an additive model.

>> coef(rb.exotic.lme)
> $site
>        (Intercept) positionbelow
> AMD1       12.52632     -4.052632
> BR1        12.52632     -4.052632
> DA1-1      12.52632     -4.052632
> DA1-2      12.52632     -4.052632
> DA1-3      12.52632     -4.052632
>        .......
> .....................................   I think I'm missing something pretty basic here!!
> Many thanks for any help,
> Regards,
> Duncan
>> rb.data
>      site exotic position
> 1     AMD1             2    below
> 2      BR1             8    below
> 3    DA1-1             9    below
> 4    DA1-2            12    below
> 5    DA1-3             9    below
> 6    DA1-4             5    below
> 7    DA1-5             9    below
> 8     MAY1            11    below
> 9      PH1             6    below
> 10     PH2             6    below
> 11     RA1             9    below
> 12     RA2            11    below
> 13     RB1            14    below
> 14     RB2            20    below
> 15     RB3            13    below
> 16   RB4-1             9    below
> 17   RB6-1             9    below
> 18   RB6-2             5    below
> 19   RB7-2             5    below
> 20   RB8-1            10    below
> 21   RLCL1             9    below
> 22   RLCL2            12    below
> 23    ROW1            12    below
> 24    ROW2             9    below
> 25     RS1             5    below
> 26 RS2/RS3             5    below
> 27     SC1             5    below
> 28   SC2-2             5    below
> 29   SC5-1            10    below
> 30     SC7             8    below
> 31     SC8             5    below
> 32   TH5-1            12    below
> 33   TH5-2            11    below
> 34     WI5             1    below
> 35   WI6-1             6    below
> 36   WI6-2            13    below
> 37   WR2-1             6    below
> 38   WR2-2             6    below
> 39    AMD1            27    above
> 40     BR1            16    above
> 41   DA1-1             4    above
> 42   DA1-2             4    above
> 43   DA1-3             5    above
> 44   DA1-4             5    above
> 45   DA1-5             6    above
> 46    MAY1            13    above
> 47     PH1            22    above
> 48     PH2            19    above
> 49     RA1            16    above
> 50     RA2            13    above
> 51     RB1             7    above
> 52     RB2             5    above
> 53     RB3             4    above
> 54   RB4-1             3    above
> 55   RB6-1             1    above
> 56   RB6-2             4    above
> 57   RB7-2            13    above
> 58   RB8-1             8    above
> 59   RLCL1             6    above
> 60   RLCL2            15    above
> 61    ROW1             6    above
> 62    ROW2             7    above
> 63     RS1            27    above
> 64 RS2/RS3            29    above
> 65     SC1            15    above
> 66   SC2-2            18    above
> 67   SC5-1             7    above
> 68     SC7            25    above
> 69     SC8            33    above
> 70   TH5-1             4    above
> 71   TH5-2             3    above
> 72     WI5            20    above
> 73   WI6-1             2    above
> 74   WI6-2             3    above
> 75   WR2-1            30    above
> 76   WR2-2            31    above
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> Dr. Duncan Mackay
> School of Biological Sciences
> Flinders University
> GPO Box 2100
> Adelaide
> S.A.  5001
> Phone    61-8-82012627
> FAX          61-8-82013015
> http://www.flinders.edu.au/science_engineering/biology/our-school/staff-postgrads/academic-staff/mackay-duncan.cfm
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> Dr. Duncan Mackay
> School of Biological Sciences
> Flinders University
> GPO Box 2100
> Adelaide
> S.A.  5001
> Phone    61-8-82012627
> FAX          61-8-82013015
> http://www.flinders.edu.au/science_engineering/biology/our-school/staff-postgrads/academic-staff/mackay-duncan.cfm
> _______________________________________________
> R-sig-mixed-models at r-project.org mailing list
> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-mixed-models
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