[R-sig-ME] question about random coefficients model (RCM)

JOSE A ALEMAN aleman at fordham.edu
Fri Jul 30 18:52:45 CEST 2010

The model I'm using is of the form:

RCM <- lmer (data.gini_net ~ data.neocorporatism_std +
data.firm_level_coop_std + data.cog + data.gov_employ_std +
      data.netden_std + data.trade_openness_std +
data.capital_liberalization_std + data.lagged_unemploy_std +
      data.deindustrialization_std + data.pop_over_65_percent_std +
(data.nation|data.neocorporatism_std), data=new.data)

but when I try to use the extractor coef(), I get the following error

> coef(RCM)
Error in coef(RCM) : unable to align random and fixed effects

             Douglas Bates                                                 
             <bates at stat.wisc.                                             
             edu>                                                       To 
             Sent by:                  JOSE A ALEMAN <aleman at fordham.edu>  
             dmbates at gmail.com                                          cc 
                                       r-sig-mixed-models at r-project.org    
             07/17/2010 11:30          Re: [R-sig-ME] question about       
             AM                        random coefficients model (RCM)     

On Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 9:52 AM, JOSE A ALEMAN <aleman at fordham.edu> wrote:
> Dear list users,
> I have a question about how to estimate the RCM described by Western
> in his article "Causal Heterogeneity in Comparative Research: A Bayesian
> Hierarchical Modeling Approach". While I know how to estimate this model
> R via restricted maximum likelihood, I am at a loss as to how to
> the results. The random coefficients are supposed to be different for
> country, yet R provides  a standard regression-like output with a single
> coefficient for the variable with the random slope. How would I go about
> extracting the country specific information?

Can you be more specific about how you fit the model?  Just saying "in
R" is too general.

If you fit the model with lmer from the lme4 package then you may want
to look at the output from the ranef() and coef() extractors.

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