[R-sig-ME] prediction for glmer objects

Virgilio Gomez Rubio Virgilio.Gomez at uclm.es
Sun Mar 1 14:29:39 CET 2009

Hi Pablo,

Hope all is fine in Trier. :)

El dom, 01-03-2009 a las 13:16 +0100, burg4401 at uni-trier.de escribió:
> Dear list-users,
> in my Diploma-Theses I have the need for predicting new Y from a fitted object 
> on a different dataset. Essentially what i want to do is:
> 	Y ~ X\beta +Zb
> 	and using the \beta and the variance Components of the random effects to get
> 	Ynew ~Xnew\beta + Znew rnorm(b,0,sd(b))

Is that a sort of predictive check? If you have some many registers, you
have several options:

- You can put all your data in a database and then extract it in small
groups, perform the prediction on that and the add the predictions to
the database.

- If you have a big data frame with your data, you could use package
snow (or snowfall) on a cluster. However, I believe that this uses
shared memory so you will need a big machine.

Hope this helps.


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