[R-sig-ME] [R] negative variances

John Maindonald john.maindonald at anu.edu.au
Thu Apr 12 12:17:20 CEST 2007

Negative variances, unless they can be explained as statistical error,
surely indicate that the model that is formulated expecting variances
to be positive is inappropriate.  My preference is to do what MLwiN
does, and allow the estimates to go negative, just so that the user is
alerted to problems with the model, or at least with its formulation.

The model that has negative "variance" components may from the
point of view of getting the variance-covariance structure correct be
OK, just formulated using parameters that, notwithstanding a fervent
wish to interpret them as variances, cannot be so interpreted.

I once heard, from people providing a data analysis service, of
receiving randomized block treatment comparison data where it
turned out that the blocks had been chosen, e.g. with their plots
at increasing distances from a stream.  A negative between block
component of "variance" was, given the design, to be expected.
I did myself once encounter a scientist who thought that blocks
should be chosen, as far as possible, so that each individual block
spanned as large a part of the variation as possible.

A problem with SEMs is that this stuff typically hides under the hood.
It is not obvious how the user might get to look under the hood
(at the layout of the blocks, maybe) and comment, "Ah, I might have
guessed as much."

Graphical models (the name is not as revealing as one might like
of the nature of these models) can be a huge advance because they
do try to pull apart what goes into SEMs, to look under the hood.
See the gR task view for R, that you can get to from a CRAN mirror.

John Maindonald             email: john.maindonald at anu.edu.au
phone : +61 2 (6125)3473    fax  : +61 2(6125)5549
Centre for Mathematics & Its Applications, Room 1194,
John Dedman Mathematical Sciences Building (Building 27)
Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200.

On 12 Apr 2007, at 6:54 PM, Tu Yu-Kang wrote:

> Dear Prof Bates,
> Many thanks for your email. I tried lmer() and received the  
> following messages:
>>  lm2<-lmer(ppd~month+(month|id))
> Warning message:
> Estimated variance-covariance for factor 'id' is singular
> in: `LMEoptimize<-`(`*tmp*`, value = list(maxIter = 200, tolerance  
> = 1.49011611938477e-08,
> I then tried lmer2():
>>  lm3<-lmer2(ppd~month+(month|id))
>> summary(lm3)
> Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML  AIC  BIC logLik MLdeviance  
> REMLdeviance
> 1146 1166 -567.9       1126         1136
> Random effects:
> Groups   Name        Variance  Std.Dev. Corr  id       (Intercept)  
> 0.1566631 0.395807                month       0.0022331 0.047255  
> 1.000 Residual             0.6391120 0.799445       Number of obs:  
> 420, groups: id, 140
> Fixed effects:
>            Estimate Std. Error t value
> (Intercept)  6.43595    0.07017   91.72
> month       -0.36619    0.01642  -22.30
> Correlation of Fixed Effects:
>      (Intr)
> month -0.544
> However, I am not sure about the results, because MLwiN showed both  
> random effects were negative values (-0.196 and -0.023).
> I start to notice this problems of negative variances when I am  
> learning how to use structural equation modeling software to run  
> multilevel models for longitudinal data. To my great surprise, it  
> occurs quite frequently. In SEM, this problem sometimes may be  
> overcome by estimating  a nonlinear model by freeing the factor  
> loadings. For example, in this data, PPD (probing pocket depth) was  
> measured three times at month 0, 3 and 6. I only fixed the first  
> and last factor loadings to be 0 and 6 to get a non-linear  
> relation, and I also allow the level-1 residuals to be different on  
> each occasion. However, in some data, I failed to get a satifactory  
> model no matter how I modified my models.
> I looked for the discussion in several multilevel modeling  
> textbooks but only found one short discussion in the book by Brown  
> and Prescott. SEM literature usually suggest fixing the negative  
> variances to 0. However, I wander whether this is the only way to  
> get around this problem or the sensible way because if the random  
> effects are fixed to 0 the model is no longer a random effects model.
> With best regards,
> Yu-Kang
>> From: "Douglas Bates" <bates at stat.wisc.edu>
>> To: "Tu Yu-Kang" <yukangtu at hotmail.com>
>> CC: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch, r-sig-mixed-models at r-project.org
>> Subject: Re: [R] negative variances
>> Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 09:15:21 -0500
>> On 4/11/07, Tu Yu-Kang <yukangtu at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear R experts,
>>> I had a question which may not be directly relevant to R but I  
>>> will be
>>> grateful if you can give me some advices.
>>> I ran a two-level multilevel model for data with repeated  
>>> measurements over
>>> time, i.e. level-1 the repeated measures and level-2 subjects. I  
>>> could not
>>> get convergence using lme(), so I tried MLwiN, which eventually  
>>> showed the
>>> level-2 variances (random effects for the intercept and slope) were
>>> negative values. I know this is known as Heywood cases in the  
>>> structural
>>> equation modeling literature, but the only discussion on this  
>>> problem in
>>> the literature of multilevel models and random effects models I  
>>> can find is
>>> in the book by Prescott and Brown.
>>> Any suggestion on how to solve this problem will be highly  
>>> appreciated.
>> It is possible that the ML or REML estimates for a variance component
>> can be zero.  The algorithm used in lme doesn't perform well in this
>> situation which is one reason that the lmer and lmer2 functions in  
>> the
>> lme4 package were created.  Could you try fitting the model with  
>> those
>> or provide us with the data so we can check it out?
>> I recommend moving this discussion to the R-SIG-mixed-models mailing
>> list which I am copying on this reply.
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