[R-meta] errors returned by rma() and rma.mv() when fitting a large dataset

Yefeng Yang ye|eng@y@ng1 @end|ng |rom un@w@edu@@u
Wed May 22 11:18:58 CEST 2024

Dear community,

I am trying to test publication bias using trim-and-fill and selection model in metafor package. When I ran the RE model with my dataset, it returned my the following error:

Error: cannot allocate vector of size 33.8 Gb

I tried both rma() and rma.mv() (the later also can be used to fit RE model).

I think this was caused by the large number of data points in my dataset. My dataset contains 67,393 rows (or more precisely, 67,393 paired effect size estimates and sampling variance).

Is there any solution workaround that allows me to  fit a RE model with a large number of effect sizes, and perform the following trim-and-fill and selection model?

Very much appreciate your comments.

Best regards,

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