[R-meta] multiple models in one study

Valeria Ivaniushina v@|v@n|u@h|n@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Mar 22 17:51:31 CET 2023


I want to perform a meta-analysis of the relation between the outcome and
key explanatory variables expressed as regression coefficients.

As a rule, authors report several models with different specifications. I
wonder which regression coefficients should I collect?

In the book Meta-regression analysis in economics and business (Stanley &
Doucouliagos, 2012)
several approaches are described:
- The best-set = ONE estimate from each study, using the KEY regression
from each paper
- The average-set = an average of all coefficients reported in the study
- The all-set = all relevant estimates reported in the study

Which approach is preferable? Are there additional considerations that I
have to take into account?


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