[R-meta] Collaboration

Reza Norouzian rnorouz|@n @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Feb 14 17:49:50 CET 2023

Dear Colleagues,

I've been working on a suite of convenient R functions for use with mainly
rma.mv() objects from metafor.

These functions mainly focus on:

1- Visually exploring multilevel meta-analytic datasets and classifying
studies in them based on their design features before use in rma.mv(),

2- Outlier detection and removal,

3- Flexible visualization of rma.mv objects to display their results,

4- Relatively easy conduct of various comparisons and contrasts,

Plus, a few other post-rma.mv() functions.

If there is anyone interested in collaborating to develop these functions
into an early R package, please reach out to me off-list (
rnorouzian using gmail.com) and I'll be happy to provide more information.

Kind regards,
*Reza Norouzian (he/him/his)*
*Assistant Professor of TESOL | **Anaheim **University **|* *Homepage*
*Senior Researcher for Multilingual Learners** | Oregon Department of

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