[R-meta] About the coefficient in meta-regression analysis

英文科陳品誠 t571 @end|ng |rom w|g@h@tp@edu@tw
Tue Dec 19 12:51:09 CET 2023

Dear all,
       This is part of my meta-regression analysis result after I use the
following code:

> m.gen.edu <- metareg(m.gen, ~edu)

    Model results:
                               estimate  .....
intercept                0.6820   .....
eduH                      0.4590   ......
eduI                        -0.0834 ......
eduK                       0.5668 ........
eduS                       0.2473   .......

     The *edu *here stands for the moderator "educational level" from my
dataset and the *eduH, eduI, eduK*, and *eduS* stands for different
subgroups. Does the 0.4590 here represent the coefficient of the subgroup
*eduH* ? And is there a code to get the overall coefficient of the
moderator "educational level" rather than the individual coefficient of
each subgroup?

 Nick Chen

陳品誠 (Nick Chen)
Email: t571 using wlgsh.tp.edu.tw <t5741 using wlgsh.tp.edu.tw>

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