[R-meta] Follow-up the coding question for meta-regression

英文科陳品誠 t571 @end|ng |rom w|g@h@tp@edu@tw
Tue Dec 12 00:21:09 CET 2023

Dear Wolfgang,
     Sorry for another interruption. I ran into two more questions. First,
when I was trying to write the code like this:

dat$duration <- cut(dat$duration, breaks=c(0,4,8,12),
labels=c(“NA”,”S”,”M”,”L”), right =FALSE)

   and the system told me that “x has to be numbers”, what should I do then?
    (p.s. I am pretty sure that the part “breaks” is also wrong…)

   **Name of the moderator: duration
       The distinction between the moderators:
        NA = not provided
        S (short) = 0-4 weeks
        M (medium) = 4-8 weeks
        L (long) = 8 weeks or above

    and my second question is that, here is one of the interaction I
    [here I was trying to find out the interaction between the moderator
"instruction type" and "research design", and instruction type was coded
"ins" and with two categorical value "D (definition)" and "C(context)";
research design was coded "rede" and with two categorical value "D
(traditional)" and "O (others)"]

Model Results:
            estimate      se     zval    pval    ci.lb   ci.ub
intrcpt       0.9482  0.3581   2.6476  0.0081   0.2463  1.6501  **
insD          0.5142  0.4281   1.2012  0.2297  -0.3248  1.3532
redeO         0.4920  0.6163   0.7984  0.4246  -0.7158  1.6998
insD:redeO   -1.2206  0.8256  -1.4784  0.1393  -2.8388  0.3976

Does the last line "insD:redeO" already means the interaction was not
significant with the p-value of 0.1393? Do I need to do the "anova(res.il,
btt3:4)" as suggested in the website?

陳品誠 (Nick Chen)
Email: t571 using wlgsh.tp.edu.tw <t5741 using wlgsh.tp.edu.tw>

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