[R-meta] metareg returning "Null" with no warnings

Christopher Wiese chr|@ww|e@e @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Nov 17 17:18:54 CET 2022

Hey All, 

I’m running a meta-analysis through metafor and have an issue when I attempt to run metareg on the created object. Specifically, I run the metareg function on the ma_obj and get the right message (Meta-regressions have been added to ‘ma_obj’ - use get_metareg() to retrieve them), but when I inspect the created ma_obj, it’s “NULL” all the way down. 

Any idea why this is happening? I’ve used this same code on other analysis and it works fine. 


Chris W. Wiese, Ph.D.
I-O Area Director
Assistant Professor
School of Psychology
Georgia Institute of Technology
654 Cherry Street Northwest 
JS Coon 229 
Atlanta, GA 30313
Twitter <https://twitter.com/DrChrisWiese> | Website <https://www.christopherwiese.com/> | Meet <https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/MeetwithDrWiese@gtvault.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/>
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