[R-meta] Setting Axis in Forest Function

D J Dy|@n_John@on @end|ng |rom hotm@||@c@
Mon May 30 19:42:26 CEST 2022


Is there a way to specify the scale of the x-axis for the effect sizes. I need to make multiple forest plots and I want the range to be consistent.

m.overall <- rma.mv(fishersZ, V_fisher, random = list(~ 1 | effectsizeID, ~ 1 | StudyID), intercept=
                      TRUE, data=dataset, method = "REML", slab=paste(author))
forest(m.overall, xlim=c(6,-10),
       xlab = "",mlab="",
       cex=0.40, fonts="sans",
       ilab=cbind(dataset$Refid), ilab.xpos=c(-4),)



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