[R-meta] simulating three-level meta-analysis
Filippo Gambarota
||||ppo@g@mb@rot@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Jun 22 09:57:51 CEST 2022
Thank you James! this is very helpful!
On Thu, 16 Jun 2022 at 16:07, James Pustejovsky <jepusto using gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Filippo,
> To add to Wolfgang's notes, here is a blog post where I walk through
> simulating a meta-analysis of standardized mean differences:
> https://www.jepusto.com/simulating-correlated-smds/
> It covers a more general case than the 3-level meta-analysis, in which
> effect size estimates from a given study may be correlated at the sampling
> level, so it might be overkill for what you're doing.
> With Wolfgang's notes, your code is a reasonable way to simulate a
> three-level meta-analysis, especially if the purpose of your simulation is
> exploratory or pedagogical. There are a few ways that I think it could be
> improved in terms of its realism. These might be important if the
> simulation is for methodological research--as David Hoaglin (2015;
> https://doi.org/10.1002/jrsm.1146) argues, for research simulations, it's
> important to consider the ways in which the meta-analysis model is a
> simplification or idealization of plausible data-generating models. So, in
> that spirit, here are a few suggestions:
> * Drawing the standard errors from a uniform distribution on (0, 0.3)
> implies a certain distribution of study sizes, which might or might not be
> plausible for the context that you're thinking about. For a meta-analysis
> of group differences with equally sized groups, a standard error of 0.3
> implies a total sample size of about 44. Using a uniform distribution
> implies that you will have many quite large studies:
> study_sizes <- 4 / runif(1000, 0, 0.3)^2
> summary(study_sizes)
> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
> 45 77 170 22732 830 11996245
> An alternative approach would be to draw the standard errors from the
> empirical distribution of standard errors in a previous conducted synthesis
> that resembles the context you're interested in. Or, if there are studies
> on the distribution of sample sizes or typical power levels of studies in
> your area, you could use that to find a more realistic distribution of
> sample sizes/standard errors from which to simulate.
> * Your simulation involves generating a structure where every study has
> the same number of effect sizes. This "balanced" structure is a best-case
> scenario for the performance of the 3-level meta-analysis model. Simulating
> studies with varying numbers of effect sizes would be more realistic and
> might be important for performance. A simple way to do that is just
> studies_per_paper <- sample(1:10, size = ni, replace = TRUE)
> dat <- data.frame(paper = rep(1:ni, studies_per_paper), study =
> 1:sum(studies_per_paper))
> table(dat$paper)
> One step better would be to use a distribution that is motivated by
> empirical data. You could do this by looking at the distribution of effect
> sizes per study from one or more previously conducted syntheses that have
> open data.
> * Your simulation generates effect size estimates that are exactly
> normally distributed. For most effect size metrics, this is a
> simplification that works reasonably well when sample sizes are large but
> less well when sample sizes are small, and which sometimes also depends on
> other features of the studies (e.g., for odds ratios, the adequacy of the
> normality approximation depends on the number of positive outcomes, not
> just the sample size). If you're in a context with small studies or effect
> sizes that aren't truly normally distributed, it would be more realistic to
> generate effect size estimates following a three-step process:
> 1) simulate the true effect size parameters by adding up the random
> effects at the paper level and study level;
> 2) simulate any other relevant study features (sample sizes, event rates
> in the control condition); and then
> 3) simulate the effect size estimates based on a realistic data-generating
> process, such as by sampling from a t distribution for standardized mean
> differences or sampling from binomial distributions for log-odds ratios.
> The blog post linked above demonstrates this process for correlated
> standardized mean difference effect sizes.
> Of course, this might be way more technical detail and way more nuance
> than you need. I offer it just in case it's useful to you or others working
> on simulations.
> James
> On Thu, Jun 16, 2022 at 3:11 AM Filippo Gambarota <
> filippo.gambarota using gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thank you Wolfgang this is very helpful.
>> With that sentence about sampling variances, I meant that (if I
>> remember correctly) for tau estimation I have to use effect size weights
>> (thus sampling variances) so I was afraid that I need to sample values
>> according to some criteria (and not runif(...) as in my simulation) in
>> order to recover my parameters.
>> On Wed, 15 Jun 2022 at 19:36, Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (NP) <
>> wolfgang.viechtbauer using maastrichtuniversity.nl> wrote:
>> > Well, it doesn't want to go through, at least so far both of my replies
>> > are not showing up on the mailing list. No idea why. In case you reply,
>> > please still include the mailing list.
>> >
>> > Best,
>> > Wolfgang
>> >
>> > >-----Original Message-----
>> > >From: Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (NP)
>> > >Sent: Wednesday, 15 June, 2022 17:33
>> > >To: R meta
>> > >Cc: 'Filippo Gambarota'
>> > >Subject: RE: [R-meta] simulating three-level meta-analysis
>> > >
>> > >(I don't know why, but occasionally my posts to the mailing list do
>> not go
>> > >through. This seems to be happening again, so let me try to resend
>> this.)
>> > >
>> > >Hi Filippo,
>> > >
>> > >Not sure what you mean by "sampling variances that will be associated
>> > with a
>> > >certain value of tau2 (level 2) and tau3 (level 3)". But in any case,
>> > your code
>> > >isn't quite simulating data according to the three level model. This
>> does:
>> > >
>> > >dat <- data.frame(paper = rep(1:ni, each=nj), study = 1:nj)
>> > >dat$b0_i <- rep(rnorm(ni, 0, taui), each=nj)
>> > >dat$b0_j <- rnorm(nrow(dat), 0, tauj)
>> > >dat$vi <- runif(nrow(dat), 0, 0.3)
>> > >dat$yi <- b0 + dat$b0_i + dat$b0_j + rnorm(nrow(dat), 0,
>> sqrt(dat$vi))
>> > >
>> > >fit <- rma.mv(yi, vi, random = ~ study | paper, data = dat)
>> > >fit
>> > >
>> > >Best,
>> > >Wolfgang
>> > >
>> > >>-----Original Message-----
>> > >>From: R-sig-meta-analysis [mailto:
>> > r-sig-meta-analysis-bounces using r-project.org] On
>> > >>Behalf Of Filippo Gambarota
>> > >>Sent: Wednesday, 15 June, 2022 13:44
>> > >>To: R meta
>> > >>Subject: [R-meta] simulating three-level meta-analysis
>> > >>
>> > >>Hello!
>> > >>I'm trying to simulate a three-level meta-analysis model but I'm stuck
>> > >>on understanding how to generate sampling variances that will be
>> > >>associated with a certain value of tau2 (level 2) and tau3 (level 3).
>> > >>My approach so far is setting values for population parameters and
>> > >>generating sampling variances for the effect ij:
>> > >>
>> > >>```
>> > >>library(metafor)
>> > >>
>> > >>b0 <- 0.3 # effect
>> > >>ni <- 100 # number of papers
>> > >>nj <- 5 # number of effects within each paper
>> > >>
>> > >>taui <- 0.3 # level 3 tau
>> > >>tauj <- 0.1 # level 2 tau
>> > >>icc <- taui^2 / sum(taui^2 + tauj^2) # real ICC
>> > >>
>> > >># i-level data
>> > >>dati <- data.frame(paper = 1:ni,
>> > >> b0_i = rnorm(ni, 0, taui))
>> > >>
>> > >># j-level data
>> > >>datj <- data.frame(paper = rep(1:ni, nj),
>> > >> study = 1:sum(nj),
>> > >> b0_j = rnorm(sum(nj), 0, tauj))
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >>dat <- merge(dati, datj, by = "paper") # combine
>> > >>dat$vi <- runif(nrow(dat), 0, 0.3) # sampling variances at level 1
>> > >>dat$yi <- b0 + dat$b0_i + dat$b0_j + rnorm(nrow(dat), 0, dat$vi)
>> > >>
>> > >>fit <- rma.mv(yi, vi, random = ~study|paper, data = dat)
>> > >>```
>> > >>However, I'm sure that I'm doing wrong because taus are estimated
>> > >>using vi and the vis are not sampled with specific criteria.
>> > >>Does someone have some hints? Or in general suggestions about to setup
>> > >>a simulation like this?
>> > >>Thanks!
>> > >>
>> > >>--
>> > >>Filippo Gambarota
>> > >>PhD Student - University of Padova
>> > >>Department of Developmental and Social Psychology
>> > >>Website: filippogambarota
>> > >>Research Group: Colab Psicostat
>> >
>> --
>> *Filippo Gambarota*
>> PhD Student - University of Padova
>> Department of Developmental and Social Psychology
>> Website: filippogambarota <https://filippogambarota.netlify.app/>
>> Research Group: Colab <http://colab.psy.unipd.it/> Psicostat
>> <https://psicostat.dpss.psy.unipd.it/>
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*Filippo Gambarota*
PhD Student - University of Padova
Department of Developmental and Social Psychology
Website: filippogambarota <https://filippogambarota.netlify.app/>
Research Group: Colab <http://colab.psy.unipd.it/> Psicostat
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