[R-meta] Forest code error in multivariate analysis Metafor

Reza Norouzian rnorouz|@n @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Oct 15 05:13:32 CEST 2021

Dear Ayesha,

It would be very helpful if you could consider using plain text to post
your queries on the list.

Assuming your model syntax is correct and runs fine on your end, does the
following run on your machine?


If yes, then it might be a simple conflict with another package that uses a
function with the same name.

Kind regards,

ps. Also, make sure you make the best use of the `random =` argument.
Currently, it does seem that `random = ~ 1 |`Study No.` is ignoring the
fact that some studies may contribute more than one effect size estimate in
your dataset. If each study actually contributes only one effect size,
then, essentially you don't need to use rma.mv(). Rather, you can use
rma(). Please check out the archives (
https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-meta-analysis/) to learn more about

On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 9:11 PM Ayesha Sadozai <asad6836 using uni.sydney.edu.au>

> Dear All and Wolfgang,
> My research looks at seven paediatric executive function domains (working
> memory, response inhibition, attention, set switching, set shifting,
> fluency and planning) across a range of neurodevelopmental disorders in 78
> studies. These disorders include ADHD, Autism, Tourettes, FASD and Learning
> disorders. My data looks at executive function (EF) measures that load on
> the 7 areas. I have established that the codes needed are come under the
> rma.mv analysis and have started to run a few analyses.
> I am running  codes on my sample that has a 2 multilevel structure, see
> codes below (1st is initial analysis and second is including a moderator
> analysis)
> 1. res.ml <- rma.mv(yi, vi, random = ~ 1 |`Study No.`,
> data=ASDvsADHD_Control_Clean,slab=paste(ASDvsADHD_Control_Clean$`Study_Year`,sep=""))
> print(res.ml, digits=3)
> forest(res.ml)
> 2. res <- rma.mv(yi, vi, random = ~ 1 |`Study No.`, mods=`EF_Domain_No`,
> data=ASDvsADHD_Control_Clean,
> slab=paste(ASDvsADHD_Control_Clean$`Study_Year`,sep=""))
> print(res, digits=3)
> forest(res)
> When I run this I get this error, Error in UseMethod("forest") :
>   no applicable method for 'forest' applied to an object of class "c('
> rma.mv', 'rma')"
> I am not sure what I am doing wrong here and I have tried to read to
> manual to see where my error could be, any assistance is appreciated 😊
> Kind Regards,
> Ayesha Sadozai | PhD Candidate
> Autism Clinic for Translational Research, Brain and Mind Centre
> 94 Mallett St<
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