[R-meta] correlated outcomes

Reza Norouzian rnorouz|@n @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Oct 8 19:43:53 CEST 2021

Dear Luke,

Imagine you didn't want to allow for correlated levels of outcome across
the studies. Then, as a starting point, how would you have specified the
random effects?

This way:
A) random = ~ 1 | labID / studyID / outcomeID

Or, this way:
B) random = ~ 1 | studyID / outcomeID

As a starting point, when we specify random effects using a multivariate
specification at some level, it's helpful to consider that we still want to
account for potential heterogeneity at any other possible levels in the

By fitting a model like:

random = ~ outcomeID | interaction(labID,studyID)

you essentially are ignoring the "labID" level altogether. If you want to
allow for levels of outcome to correlate with one another only at the
studyID level but not the labID level, then, you may want to try something

random = list(~1|labID, ~ outcomeID | interaction(labID,studyID))

This specification is the multivariate equivalent of specification (A),
which you may have considered as a starting point, if you *didn't* want to
consider correlated random effects for outcome, but *did* want to include
labID as a potential higher level in your model.

Finally, if for some studies, you have repetition of the same outcomeID in
each studyID, then, a starting point with a purely nested intercept-only
model could be an extension of (A) specification:

random = ~ 1 | labID / studyID / outcomeID / rowID

with the multivariate equivalent of it being:

random = list(outcomeID | interaction(labID,studyID),  ~ 1 | labID, ~ 1 |

or equivalently to save a couple of keystrokes:

random = list(outcomeID | interaction(labID,studyID),  ~ 1 | labID/rowID)

I hope it helps,


On Thu, Oct 7, 2021 at 11:12 PM Luke Martinez <martinezlukerm using gmail.com>

> Hello All,
> A quick question. I have some labs that have conducted multiple
> studies each targeting several outcomes, like:
> labID  studyID  outcomeID
> 1         1            1
> 1         1            2
> 1         2            1
> 1         2            2
> 2         1            2
> 2         1            3
> Then, can I allow correlated random-effects for outcome at the labID
> level?  like:
> random = list(~ outcomeID | labID, ~ outcomeID |
> interaction(labID,studyID) )
> A part of me says that "~ outcomeID | labID" doesn't make sense,
> because outcomes are only nested in studies, in which case, I should
> only use:
> random = ~ outcomeID | interaction(labID,studyID)
> Am I correct in my thinking?
> Thanks,
> Luke
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