[R-meta] correlated outcomes

Luke Martinez m@rt|nez|ukerm @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Oct 8 06:12:27 CEST 2021

Hello All,

A quick question. I have some labs that have conducted multiple
studies each targeting several outcomes, like:

labID  studyID  outcomeID
1         1            1
1         1            2
1         2            1
1         2            2
2         1            2
2         1            3

Then, can I allow correlated random-effects for outcome at the labID
level?  like:

random = list(~ outcomeID | labID, ~ outcomeID | interaction(labID,studyID) )

A part of me says that "~ outcomeID | labID" doesn't make sense,
because outcomes are only nested in studies, in which case, I should
only use:

random = ~ outcomeID | interaction(labID,studyID)

Am I correct in my thinking?


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