[R-meta] Three-level meta-analysis using netmeta

Natan Gosmann n@t@n@go@m@nn @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Mar 17 09:24:44 CET 2021

Dear all,

Our group recently submitted for publication a three-level network
meta-analysis that was sent to peer review and one aspect of concern that
was raised during the review process is the fact that we performed our data
analysis using metafor (through methods described by Wolfgang elsewhere).
Reviewers stated that moving to netmeta might be preferable, given that it
is specifically designed for network meta-analyses. Although we recognize
the great value of netmeta for network meta-analyses, we are not sure that
currently the package is able to perform three-level meta-analyses (even
after carefully reading its detailed manual). Can we perform our data
analysis (using the three-level/network approach) using netmeta? If yes,
any suggestion or reference with any guidance on how to do it would be of
great help.

Natan Gosmann

de vírus. www.avast.com

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