[R-meta] rma.mv in metafor - model assumptions

Jessie Cait je@@|ec@|t @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Mar 2 20:56:54 CET 2021

Hi everyone,

I am currently using the *rma.mv <http://rma.mv/>* function in metafor and
I was wondering if you could explain some of the basics of the function:

Is *rma.mv <http://rma.mv/>* assuming homogeneity of variance and normal
residuals? Or making other assumptions?

And how does one check those assumptions are met?

And if they are not met, how does one manipulate things so that they are
met - at least to some extent? (e.g. via transformations, and/or via by
using robust SEs)?

Thank you for your help.

All the best,

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