[R-meta] computing effect size for pre-post treatment-control design

Filippo Gambarota ||||ppo@g@mb@rot@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Jun 8 12:06:30 CEST 2021

Dear all,
I'm facing a problem in computing effect sizes for a meta-analsyis
with pre-post for both the control and experimental group. Some papers
report pre-post means and standard deviations and this can be easily
managed using the Morris (2008) approach as suggested in the metafor
website. Other papers use an ANCOVA approach putting pre-test scores
as covariate and reporting only post-test adjusted means and standard
deviations. Any hints to compute a Morris-like effect size in order to
not exclude these papers?
Thank you!

Filippo Gambarota
PhD Student - University of Padova
Department of Developmental and Social Psychology
Website: filippogambarota.netlify.app
Research Group: Colab   Psicostat

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