[R-meta] Analyses with class robust.rma

Hanna Mütze muetzeh @end|ng |rom un|-bremen@de
Mon Jun 7 11:08:56 CEST 2021


I'm conducting a meta-analysis with dependent effect sizes (more than 
one effect size / study). So I used the robust.rma function.

Unfortunately, further analyses like funnel plot and influence 
diagnostics are not available for this class.

How can I handle this? Should I write a new table with sandwich-type 
estimates (1 / study) and calculate with standard rma functions?

But I didn't find the variable for the sandwich-type estimate for each 
study in the robust.rma object. Or is there another way for furhter 

Thank you so much for helping me!

Kind regards,

Hanna Mütze

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