[R-meta] Forest plot using the robumeta package

Ioana Cristea |o@n@@@||n@@cr|@te@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Jun 8 16:08:40 CEST 2020

Dear all
I am trying to use the forest.robu option in the robumeta R package
computing robust variance estimations.
However, though I get no error when I run the code (attached at the end), I
get a forest plot where the visualization only shows a part of my studies,
like a portion was cut from the whole forest plot.
I have 65 studies and 75 effects (some studies have multiple outcomes)
grouped in 3 categories using a categorical variable (SOR, selective
outcome reporting, which has 3 possible labesl 0, 1, 8).
I tried to zoom to save as pdf to save as image but I still do not get
anything I can use.
Maybe this is a pretty trivial question, but how can I visualize and save a
forest plot that includes all of my studies?
(I did load the grid package)

#Robust variance estimator, intercept-only model#
Reported_intercept <- robu(formula = SMD ~ 1, data=Reported01,
                           studynum = Study, var.eff.size = Var,
modelweights = "CORR", rho = 0.8, small = TRUE)

forest.robu(Reported_intercept, es.lab = "SOR_study", study.lab = "Study",
           "Effect Size" = effect.size, # optional column
           "Weight" = r.weights)        # optional column

Thank you!

Ioana-Alina Cristea, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Brain and Behavioral Sciences
University of Pavia, Piazza Botta 11, 27100 Pavia, Italy

Research affiliate
METRICS (Meta-research Innovation Center at Stanford)
Stanford University, California, USA
Associate editor Systematic Reviews

ORCid: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9854-7076
Publons: https://publons.com/author/1196647/ioana-alina-cristea#profile
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ioana_Cristea
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IoanaA_Cristea

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