[R-meta] Dependant variable in Meta Analysis

Tarun Khanna kh@nn@ @end|ng |rom hert|e-@choo|@org
Thu Jun 4 13:41:17 CEST 2020

Dear All,

I am conducting a meta analysis of reduction in energy consumption in households that have been exposed to certain behavioural interventions in trials. The beta coefficients in the regressions in my the original studies can ususally be interpreted as percentage change in electricity consumption. To do the meta analysis I am converting these beta coefficients to Fisher's Z. My problem is that Fisher's Z is not as easy to interpret as percentage change in energy consumption.

Question 1: Is it possible to do the meta anlysis using the beta coefficients coming from the original studies so that the results remain easy to interpret?

Question 2: Is it sensible to convert the final Fisher's Z estimates back to the dependant variable coming from the studies?

Sorry if this question sounds too basic.



Tarun Khanna
PhD Researcher

Hertie School

Friedrichstraße 180
10117 Berlin ∙ Germany
khanna using hertie-school.org ∙ www.hertie-school.org<http://www.hertie-school.org/>

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