[R-meta] Residuals for random effect
Lukas Dylewski
dy|ew@k|91 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Sep 10 14:29:38 CEST 2019
Dear All,
I would like to calculate residuals for a random effect. Could I calculate
the residual values after subtracting the predicted influence of the
I would like to get the same residuals value for each study level (in the
model below coded pub).
My model:
res1 <- rma.mv(yi, vi, mods = ~ logmass +
I(logmass^2),random=~1|pub,data=metaan, method="REML")
Łukasz Dylewski, M. Sc.
PhD Student
Department of Zoology, Institute of Zoology
Poznań University of Life Sciences
Wojska Polskiego 71C
60-625 Poznań, Poland
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