[R-meta] Outliers in metafor package
Reza Norouzian
rnorouz|@n @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Nov 22 20:57:37 CET 2019
Dear All,
I'm trying to locate my influential effect sizes in my data (fit via a
weighted *rma.uni* model). I'm particularly interested in the plot of the
weights. However, I was wondering what the dashed line indicated by the red
arrow represents, and how exactly the *turquoise-colored* points are
considered outliers in terms of the weights they have received?
Many, thanks
[image: image.png]
*Reza Norouzian*
Postdoctoral Research Associate | Lecturer
Second Language Acquisition & Research Methods, Ph.D.
College of Education & Human Development
Dep. of Teaching, Learning & Culture | Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843
Webpage: *https://directory.education.tamu.edu/view.epl?nid=rnorouzian
Email: rnorouzian using tamu.edu
Phone: (979)-422-7052
*Future L2 researchers will be challenged not only on the basis of their
substantive questions, but also on how they manage to answer those
questions in a methodical manner.*
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