[R-meta] Meta package

Dr. Gerta Rücker ruecker @end|ng |rom |mb|@un|-|re|burg@de
Wed Aug 21 21:55:04 CEST 2019

Dear Julie,

If you want to export your forest plot, e.g., as a pdf, you may change 
the height (and if necessary, also the width) of your figure. For 
example, write

pdf("Forest.pdf", height = 20, width = 8)

You also may have a look at the arguments of the forest function by typing


Particularly, you can change fonts, font size etc. using the arguments 
ff.study, ff.study labels, or spacing (and others) for tuning the plot 



Am 21.08.2019 um 19:10 schrieb Julie Webbs:
> Dear All
> I have run a meta-analysis using meta. But I  got an error as the headings
> and at the end of the forest plot ( large diamond),  are not visible in R
> studio.  *I have 62 studies*.
>   Would you please help me to get my forest plot perfectly.
> Many thanks and looking forward to hearing from you
> Julie
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