[R-meta] Effect size using forest plot
Guido Schwarzer
@c @ending from imbi@uni-freiburg@de
Thu Dec 13 12:17:10 CET 2018
Am 12.12.18 um 20:45 schrieb Julie Webbs:
> I have Means, SDs and sample size for 15 studies.
> Can anyone help me to plot a forest plot for effect sizes?
In R package *meta*, you can use
- metacont() for two groups providing means, SDs, and sample sizes,
- metamean() for a single group.
The standard effect size measures (Hedges' g, Cohen's, and Glass' delta)
are available in metacont().
You can use the R commands 'help(metacont)' and 'help(metamean)' to get
information on these functions.
Furthermore, the commands 'example(metacont)' and 'help(metamean)' will
run some analyses (and produce a forest plot for metacont).
Best wishes, Guido
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