[R-meta] metafor - within study non-independence
Brian Cheng
b@cheng @ending from gm@il@com
Mon Aug 6 15:15:39 CEST 2018
Dear list,
Within the metafor package, is there a way to account for within study
non-independence? As an example from Viechtbauer 2010 J. of Stat.
Soft. ("dat.bcg") what if Aronson 1948 conducted multiple trials
within the study?
In my field of ecology, it is common to conduct experiments with
multiple moderator variables but with replicates at the "trial" level.
In this context, it would be useful to break out each trial with the
various moderators for modeling. I was thinking that this could be
done more flexibly with lme4 (glmer) and a trial level random effect
but there may be issues with that approach.
Apologies if this has been asked before and thanks for your time!
All the best,
Brian S. Cheng, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Marine Ecology
Department of Environmental Conservation | University of Massachusetts Amherst
(413) 545-2454 | bscheng using umass.edu | http://bscheng.com
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