[R-meta] Awkward results while conducting a Meta Analytic Reliability Generalization study by metafor package

Davut CANLI davutcanli at odu.edu.tr
Thu Oct 26 09:05:22 CEST 2017

Dear all,
There are two common methods (Bonett's transformation and Hakstian and Whalen transformation) while conducting an RG study when the issued reliability coefficient is Cronbach's alpha. The problem occurs when I use the regtest or ranktest functions of metafor. Using one method (say Bonett's transformation, ABT), the output of the regtest (or ranktest) suggest that there is no evidence for publication bias by providing a p-value bigger than 0.05. On the other hand the use of other method ("AHW") suggests signicant evidence (p<.0001) for a possible publication bias (which I believe in fact this should be correct). 
Another thing is the output of the funnel command. Even though I have not a value of coefficient alpha bigger than one in my data set, there I see a value that seems bigger than one on the output of the funnel.
Are these some kind of bugs of functions in code or something that I still have some misunderstandings on the subject.

############################## Bonett's Transformation #####################
> regtest(MetaOBO_ABT)

Regression Test for Funnel Plot Asymmetry

model:     mixed-effects meta-regression model
predictor: standard error

test for funnel plot asymmetry: z = -0.5277, p = 0.5977

> ranktest(MetaOBO_ABT)

Rank Correlation Test for Funnel Plot Asymmetry

Kendall's tau = -0.0108, p = 0.8664

Warning message:
In cor.test.default(yi.star, vi, method = "kendall", exact = TRUE) :
  Cannot compute exact p-value with ties

############################## Using Haks. & Wha. Transformation #####################
> regtest(MetaOBO_AHW)

Regression Test for Funnel Plot Asymmetry

model:     mixed-effects meta-regression model
predictor: standard error

test for funnel plot asymmetry: z = -4.1625, p < .0001

> ranktest(MetaOBO_AHW)

Rank Correlation Test for Funnel Plot Asymmetry

Kendall's tau = -0.1980, p = 0.0020

############################### Funnel Plot ##############################################
In attached.

Thanks all in advance.

Davut CANLI 
Ordu University 
Faculty of Arts and Sciences 
Department of Mathemathics
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