[R-SIG-Mac] R and Ventura

Kevin Thorpe kev|n@thorpe @end|ng |rom utoronto@c@
Wed Dec 14 13:19:57 CET 2022


Shortly after Ventura released a saw a few posts on this list about peculiarities (I saw something about Xcode common line tools I believe). I am thinking of upgrading soon from Monterey to Ventura (Intel chip) and wanted to see if there were any pitfalls. I looked at the MAC FAQ on CRAN and in the tools directory (regarding compiler tools) and see no specific mention of Ventura.

I am assuming my current R installation will continue to work. Will I need to re-install XQuartz, or is that only for new R versions? I guess the biggest challenge, for me anyway, is keeping up-to-date with the necessary pieces to compile R packages that need compilation.

I hope my points of concern are clear enough to answer.

Thank you,


Kevin E. Thorpe
Head of Biostatistics,  Applied Health Research Centre (AHRC)
Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michael’s Hospital
Assistant Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health
University of Toronto
email: kevin.thorpe using utoronto.ca  Tel: 416.864.5776  Fax: 416.864.3016

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