[R-SIG-Mac] [External] summary() suddently producing weird NULL: values for factors and character attributes

Richard M. Heiberger rmh @end|ng |rom temp|e@edu
Mon Dec 14 05:22:34 CET 2020

please send to the list the output from both:



This is the Macintosh list.  Is this specifically a Macintosh problem?

On Sun, Dec 13, 2020 at 6:32 PM John Helly via R-SIG-Mac <
r-sig-mac using r-project.org> wrote:

> Aloha.
> For the past few weeks, maybe 6 or more, I've been getting strange results
> from the summary() function for data.frames.  Has anyone else noticed
> something like this?  I don't think I've done anything to cause this but
> cannot find anything to attribute it to.  Example below.  It lists every
> row as a value in the data frame attribute DAUCO.  Similar behavior found
> with other read.table results using syntax below.
> PRISM        =
> read.table(PRISM_INPUT,header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=TRUE,sep=',',
> colClasses=c('character','numeric','numeric','numeric','numeric','numeric'))
> P2 is a subset of PRISM.
> J.
> --
> John Helly, University of California, San Diego / San Diego Supercomputer Center / Scripps Institution of Oceanography / 760 840 8660 mobile / http://www.sdsc.edu/~hellyj
> ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0002-3779-0603
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