[R-SIG-Mac] GTK+ support (or rather lack thereof)

Prof Brian Ripley r|p|ey @end|ng |rom @t@t@@ox@@c@uk
Sat Apr 4 10:11:09 CEST 2020

On 04/04/2020 05:15, Tom Elliott wrote:
> Simon,
>> Hence this is a call to the R community to see if anyone actually cares.
> I (and Chris Wild and quite a few of our mac users) care and would greatly appreciate working GTK+ CRAN packages!
> I don't have any knowledge re source etc, but just to remind you that the current RGtk2 package on CRAN for 3.3 doesn't work (or at least wasn't when I last tried):
> library(RGtk2)
> gtkHScaleNewWithRange(0, 5, 1)  # segfault

Did you really mean '3.3'?  If so, R versions that old are long unsupported.

FWIW, your example worked for me with 4.0.0 alpha and RGtk2 built from 
source against Simon's (old) build of GTK+ 2.24.17.  Have you tried 
that?   RGtk2 and some of the packages using it pass their checks but 
some (e.g. gWidgets2RGtk2 and a few of those using it including MixSIAR, 
Ricetl, fit4NM, plfMA) segfault.  And this has been the case for several 

Brian D. Ripley,                  ripley using stats.ox.ac.uk
Emeritus Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford

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