[R-SIG-Mac] Different performance with different R versions

Martin Maechler m@echler @ending from @t@t@m@th@ethz@ch
Fri Dec 14 12:41:37 CET 2018

>>>>> Ista Zahn 
>>>>>     on Fri, 14 Dec 2018 05:58:25 -0500 writes:

    > This isn't Mac specific (I can reproduce it in Linux). Switching the
    > igraph from version from 1.2.2 (slow) to 0.7.1 (fast) is enough, so
    > this also has nothing to do with R itself. This should be reported to
    > https://igraph.org/r/, either on the mailing list, bug tracker, or
    > both.

    > Best,
    > Ista

Indeed (on Linux, too)

A much shorter (and 5x faster running) version of the repr.ex.
R script is appended (it uses specific .libPaths() to get the
  correct version if igraph).


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